Need your opinions, please! We're about to put our house on the market, and the one big thing that is holding us back is our tile. When the house was build (2003), the builder used the wrong thinset so now all of the tile and grout is coming up (both bathrooms, kitchen, dining, laundry and entry). There are also a few broken tiles...

I'm trying to decide if we should replace all of the tile in the house prior to putting it on the market, or just include a flooring allowance (say, $5000) in the contract, so that the buyer can decide on whatever they want (because, who's to say that they're going to want what we put down?)

So, if you were the buyer, what would you rather have?

ETA: If we are just put the allowance in there, we could get the house on the market next week, but if we replace the tile, it would be another month before we're able to get on the market.