I know a lot of my "problems" with LO1 (crappy naps, awful car rides, bottle refusal) stemmed from me being her pacifier. Even though I promised myself I wouldn't get into that mess again with LO2 here I am at 2 months: undeniable pacifier. If he isn't sleeping or on the boob he's crying. He's finally started to stretch out feedings to more than every hour but he still has a need to be at the breast that frequently.

I've been trying to get DS to take a pacifier since we left the hospital. I've tried three kinds, each for about a week and a half, but no luck. So far nobody has been able to calm this baby down or get him to nap without my nipples. I try to use the K'tan to calm him down sometimes but nurses in there too.

I've ruled out that he's starving. He has almost doubled his birth weight. I don't think he's over tired. We're pretty much following the EASY schedule and his night is 11-12 hours.

I'm frustrated because it seems like I'm doing something really wrong as it's baby#2 like this. My nipples can't be that great.

Do I need to keep trying different pacifiers? Any particular ones? Should I wait until the end of the 4th trimester? He doesn't have colic but definitely has the witching hour fussiness. Any other suggestions?