We told my Mom and sister that I was expecting our third baby first. We didn't want to tell anyone else, in case something happened. Yesterday we had an ultrasound that showed everything looks good, but still early (I'm only 6 weeks 6 days). So, we decided to go ahead and tell DH's family, but held off on telling my brother and SIL. We have a complicated relationship with them because while they were struggling to get and stay pregnant, I became pregnant with my daughter. My SIL, who was really close to me, completely disappeared from my life (when I needed her the most) and things just got strange. They have little to no relationship with my daughter, even though they have a son and are expecting another one in September. I just always feel weird telling people I'm pregnant and really don't like telling them because of our past.
On Mother's Day my sister had everyone over, not us because we live in another state, and my sister's fiance (who I don't like at all, for valid reasons I promise) TOLD my brother we are expecting our third baby! I'm so livid for so many reasons. This is our last baby and I want to make a cool announcement, I don't like my sister's fiance anyways and this just adds fuel to the fire, now I have to call my brother and SIL tonight, tail between my legs, and tell them (even though they have known for almost a week now!). I feel like a jerk for not having told my brother and SIL and even more like a jerk that they heard it from him (they don't like him either).

Moral of the story, if it isn't your news don't TALK ABOUT IT! I don't know why my name even came up in their conversation! ugh ugh ugh grrrrrrrRRRRrrrr

::ok rant over::