Hellobee Boards


Infertility Support Thread

  1. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @MrsCB: OMG I'm so sorry about your tests being MIA, my DH has done something similar before and I think I cried... hahaha. Hopefully they will turn up somewhere.

    @raintreebee: Sorry about the house inspection. Hopefully you can reach some kind of agreement

    AFM I am not having a good day today. I went for monitoring this morning (CD 9) and I have a 20mm folicle which is ready to go apparently so they wanted to do my IUI tomorrow morning but I have to travel for work

    Right now I am praying that my body doesn't ovulate today or tomorrow or this cycle will have been a total waste. I am so emotional, I just sat in my car and cried after I left the office. I am waiting for them to call and tell me whether my LH has started to surge or not and figure out what the game plan is.

    Uhhh I feel like I am going to get nothing done today at the office and I have two school projects to complete on top of my FT job, I am overwhelmed and just want to go home and curl up on my couch and cry... I don't know how you ladies do it!

  2. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @mrswin: Aww that sucks. Can you BD some time today, or is it a male factor issue?

    AFM, looks like complete negative in the frer this morning, so the trigger seems to be gone. At least gone at the level frers pick up on. Not sure if I'll continue testing or wait a couple days.

  3. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @MrsCB: We are going to BD tonight. When I asked the doctor about it this morning she felt that we would be ok since we are not going until Tuesday for our IUI (if at all)...and it would cover our bases if my body decides to ovulate on its own. We have some MFI but it is not too severe, usually in the range of 15mil total motile once washed....

    FX that the next test shows a BFP for you!

  4. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrswin: Definitely BD tonight. Many people do timed intercourse instead of IUI so it can certainly work. Do you have other follicles that are sizeable or just the 20mm one?

    @mrscb: Hoping you get a BFP now that your trigger is gone. Mine wasn't very dark until about 12-13dpo just FYI.

    @spaniellove: So I heard you're charting again? Is it hard to go back? When do you get to go into the new clinic?

  5. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @marionberry: You are totally right on the timed intercourse! I need to learn to let go of some of my control issues which often get the best of me in situations like this.

    I was so thrown off today when she wanted me to do the trigger and come tomorrow for IUI that I didn't even ask what the other folicle sizes were. I remember seeing that they had also noted an 18mm one in my chart when I was taking a peek. I will ask when they call me back this afternoon.

  6. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrswin: If it makes you feel any better, we triggered the night of the 24th and didn't do our IUI until mid-day on the 26th and it worked.

    Also on our IUI day we thought there was a chance we'd have to bypass our IUI due to some issues DH was having, and when that occurred I was devastated. When I remembered we could do timed intercourse it made me feel a lot better. Luckily it ended up all working out and I'm sure it will all work out for you too. Best of luck! Are you going to be back on Tuesday to be able to do the IUI? Or is your work trip a long one?

  7. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @mrswin: Did they tell you if you were surging yet? I think with your 20mm follicle and between TI and the IUI your chances should be good!

    @marionberry: I completely forgot this morning; I'm so out of habit. All I want the temps for is to confirm that I've O'ed and know when to expect AF since I know there isn't really much else I can make out from the chart.

  8. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @marionberry: Thanks, I'm glad to hear you were successful with almost 48 hours between the trigger and IUI. I remember I was lurking when your DH was having issues and I was disappointed for you.... but it all worked out well! LOL

    I am going to be traveling tomorrow with my boss to a client meeting (2 hrs away) and I should be back by dinner time so it won't be an issue to go in on Tuesday morning for the IUI.

    @spaniellove: I don't know if I am surging because I have been at work all day and apparently they called my home phone (even though it is the 3rd number on the list) and didn't bother to leave a message so I have no idea. I will find out tomorrow morning. Sometimes my clinic sucks at communication, this is not the first time they have called the house even though it is listed as the last call, they are supposed to call my cell or my office before the house. Grrrrrrrr

    I chart so tomorrow morning when I temp I should have a good idea of where I am at.

  9. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrswin: Good luck! That's great that you can still get in Tuesday morning for your IUI. And you're right, temping will give you a good idea of where you're at. Just remember if it shows ovulation that you have multiple eggs, so if one goes others may still be waiting.

    @spaniellove: Ya it's a great way to know when AF is coming or you're about to ovulate. Good luck remembering to do it now that you haven't had to do it for awhile.

  10. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @raintreebee: I hope you were able to work through the pros and cons of this real estate opportunity this weekend. I think it would be best if you're able to put your energy into the treatments leading up to IVF. At the same time, maybe the distraction of it all could be good Best of luck working through all of that. // And definitely keep us updated if you're interested in the walk!

  11. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MrsCB: Tell your husband never to clean up again! I'm glad you were able to get some tests to give you the peace of mind that you're looking for. I'm still hoping for good news for you this cycle!

    @mrswin: Sorry about the emotional day! It's such a roller coaster, isn't it? I've also come out of the doctor's office only to sit and just cry for a while in the car. It's intense, all of the timing, and the drugs, and the decisions. Hopefully the timed intercourse can help you this cycle since the timing is so tricky with your travels for work. I also went in one cycle on day 9 and had a mature follicle that they wanted to go ahead and move forward with. And good for you for peeking at your chart. They left up my information on a computer screen when I was cleaning up after an appointment and I took a picture of my details. It's hard to keep track of all of those numbers!

    @spaniellove: It's totally hard to get back into the swing with temping when you've taken a break from it. I tried to start this cycle with temping, but gave up after day 3.

  12. MK0180

    kiwi / 545 posts

    @mrswin: FWIW: I also did a trigger 48 hrs prior to the IUI and got pregnant. I *think* my largest follicle was 18 when I did a day 11 u/s but can't remember. It ended up being ectopic, however, but that has nothing to do with the IUI.

    @sweetooth: Good luck this TWW

    I ovulated post-surgery/loss on time which I was pretty excited for -AF came 5 weeks after surgery and I got a positive OPK 12 days after AF. We are not doing clomid or IUI this cycle - I wanted to see how my body rebounded without having meds interfere. We will get back on the saddle next cycle with clomid, IUI and ovidrel, if needed. I don't have hope that we can conceive on our own this cycle - we timed BD right and I got positive OPKs and whatnot, but seeing as it took us 15 months to get pregnant once with help I don't have much hope that it'll work without help. I guess this is our second IUI? And if it doesn't work, we can do another round of IUI + meds before we move to other options (i.e. IVF). I'm taking royal jelly and prenatals but that's it. No other fertility helping supplements, not even acupuncture. This cycle's been more like, "F*&K it, where's the wine and beer???" Sometimes this route helps, so I've read.

  13. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MK0180: Thanks! And thanks for the laugh with your "F*&K it" phrase about this cycle I hope this unmedicated cycle is a good break for you. And that you are close to your BFP. I know that the longer it takes us the more I wonder if it will ever happen. If someone could tell me that I can definitely get pregnant, it would make this long, drawn out process so much easier.

  14. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    Has anyone else felt like infertility has made them gradually feel/look more blah? I know I really started to let things go during my IVF cycle because I bloated so much, and there wasn't much I could do about my hair - it grows so much when I'm on stims that I didn't want to get it cut until after the meds. (I'm getting it cut next week.)

    But I looked in the mirror today and felt so awful about just how much I've let myself go over the past year. Before we got serious about the RE, I was pretty careful about my clothes and wore nice shoes. Now I have about two pairs of pants that fit and never feel like wearing them with anything but a sweatshirt, and don't even want to wear makeup because it doesn't seem worth it - I break out badly after every treatment cycle. That's so gross. No wonder DH never wants to BD.

    As if it wasn't painful enough that I can't get pregnant...

  15. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @spaniellove: Not physically so much as mentally blah. This past month hit me hard and I'm working on getting back to positive thinking. I've had a hard time staying on task work-wise for a while now and don't really want to do anything We just finished a year of trying too, so that definitely doesn't help! I did download the Circle + Bloom mp3s, hoping that will get me back to positivity. Going to the gym helps too, I always feel better afterwards (mentally).

  16. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @spaniellove: I definitely have moments where I don't feel as attractive (Clomid made me look 15 again with breakouts all over my face!). But I try to control the things that I can control, since my fertility is so out of my control. So I do my best to put some effort into how I look, because it helps me feel better. And I try to eat heatlhy and take care of myself because it will help when I'm pregnant, and it helps my mental state. Do something nice for yourself when you get your haircut next week, buy a new top or some accessory

    @Mrs.Someone: I know what you mean about work. Sometimes I feel pretty useless at work because my mind is so preoccupied. I hope you enjoy the C+B meditations. Did you get a general one, or the one for IUI?

  17. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @mrswin: Good luck with your IUI today!

  18. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @sweetooth: Thanks!

    Well ladies a shortish update. My bloodwork on Sunday showed I wasn't surging yet which was good. I made it through the trip with my boss yesterday and was able to get my ovidril trigger first thing in the morning. I am at the clinic now waiting to do the IUI. DH got his thing done first thing and then he had to leave for work so I am on my own but should be ok.
    We are doing another IUI tomorrow too. Anyone else had it done back to back days?

    @MK0180: I'm sorry about the ectopic but thanks for the reassurance about the timing

  19. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @sweetooth: Last night after I posted, I decided to make the effort to put on some makeup before DH got home and wear something slightly more attractive, which made me feel so much better. And realizing that even the small effort made me feel/look better motivated me to go online to find updates for my wardrobe that I'd feel comfortable in - i.e., things that fit. It's probably a good idea right now to focus on something other than TTC anyway!

  20. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @mrswin: That's great to hear that the timing is working out well! Haven't personally done back to back but have heard of it and it sounds like a good idea. FX for you!!! Hope you're feeling more at ease knowing you weren't surging!

  21. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @sweetooth: I got the natural one, we're not doing IUI. I'm liking it so far!

  22. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    ugh, you know - I deactivated my FB account because I couldn't handle anymore pregnancy announcements. But then, I pop in on blogs I haven't visited in a little while and BAM! Two pregnancy announcements within 2 days. I know, these are blogs and I do not know these people in person. But still, when will it be my turn??? (ps...I am always immensely happy when anyone on this thread announces that they are pregnant)

  23. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @sweetooth: Boo! I guess its just the age we're at. Though I mostly have been reading blogs of women who had trouble conceiving, so that makes it a little better. We will all get there someday, hopefully sooner rather than later!

  24. mrs.halfsie

    olive / 63 posts

    Hey all. I've been on vacation the last several days, and I always feel like I missed a lot. I was really hopeful this cycle, but my strange mid cycle bleeding made it's appearance yesterday on our way home. Of course I'd like to think it's implantation bleeding, but I just can't kid myself. Had a lot of symptoms, but I think they're winding back down. AF is coming Friday and I am NOT looking forward to it. Ugh.

  25. mrs.halfsie

    olive / 63 posts

    @mrs.someone: C+B is great. I usually listen when my brain is spiraling out of control and it brings a semblance of calm during this stressful time! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

    @sweetooth: I've considered doing that as well, but you can't escape it entirely! What stinks the most is that many people are insensitive without even knowing it! I think we all have that question in the back of our minds. So glad I found this thread to find that extra support

  26. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @spaniellove: Feeling much better about the timing now. The way the doctor (not my usual one) was talking on Sunday she made it seem like I was going to ovulate before the IUI even though she didn't have my blood work results and was just making an assumption based on the ultrasound.

    @mrs.halfsie: Sorry about the way you are feeling and the weird bleeeding. Hopefully it is just IB, its not over yet!

    @sweetooth: The pregnancy announcements are never easy no matter where they come from, I'm right there with you.

    Update: I am all done with my IUI today. I have two good sized folicles (24mm and 18mm) and DH's sample was good today. The procedure itself was not too painful but all I have to say it ooyyyyy! Glad that getting KU the normal way doesn't hurt that much. I go back tomorrow for another IUI in them morning and then the TWW begins. DH and I are going to the Dominican for a week during the TWW so hopefully it will fly by. Should I take some HTP's with me?

  27. MK0180

    kiwi / 545 posts

    @spaniellove: Yes - I feel both mentally and physically bleh but it's a bit more mental. I'm just so tired. We've tried not to let infertility get a hold of our lives but it's very hard.

    @sweetooth: I agree. If someone could tell us, "you'll get pregnant in XX months, 100% guaranteed, " I would totally be fine with it. It's the unknown with fertility and infertility that I hate.

    @mrswin: I have read on other fertility boards that women will do back to back IUIs. I don't think it can hurt - the more the merrier Good luck with your IUIs, hope you get a positive outcome

  28. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @mrswin: Yay, happy TWW! I hope you have a fabulous vacation. I'd say leave the HPTs at home if you get home by 12dpo or so. Otherwise, just take 1 so you have to be really sure you want to take it.

  29. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    WTF - I just called the clinic for my records and they're charging $1 a page! They acted like they were doing me a huge favor for setting a $75 limit. We just paid them $10k; they can give me a copy of my records!

  30. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @spaniellove: Lame! I guess its the "going somewhere else" fee.

    So unrelated, but I finally decided to add an avatar since there are several of us "MrsXXX" ladies with no avatars in a row

  31. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: It is, and I'm sure they know where I'm going. We have a credit that's been floating around since we were overcharged at our first visit and I guess this is our last chance to use that up.

  32. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: I like the new avatar!

  33. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @mrswin: good luck and happy TWW! We're thinking about going to Mexico in a couple months on what might fall during my TWW... I'm so worried about timing it right! Def bring some HPTs so you don't convince yourself to go searching for some at a random tiny DR store LOL

  34. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: We will all get there someday...sigh. Nice new avatar

    @mrs.halfsie: I hope AF stays away and it was implantation bleeding that you experienced! Hope vacation was a nice escape for you.

    @mrswin: Back-to-back IUIs, the more the merrier, right? I hope for good things for you! Oh, and as for vacation with HPT's - I vote to leave them at home. Just enjoy yourselves!

  35. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @spaniellove: That's the worst. And these days it's all digital, so why can't they just burn you a disk? Annoying.

    @Shutterbug: We're headed to Mexico in about 4 weeks!

  36. mrs.halfsie

    olive / 63 posts

    mrswin: thank you! I'm just down in the dumps about it, but I know it's not over for sure until AF comes. You really don't know how much your encouragement means!

    sweetooth: thanks! I'm really hoping it's IB too, but since I've always had a history of mid cycle bleeding and implantation problems, sometimes it's hard to keep a good attitude.

    spaniellove: my clinic tried to do the same thing to me, but they were more willing to fax/email my records to another doctor. Is that an option for you?

  37. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @mrs.halfsie: Have you had your progesterone checked at 7dpo? That could explain the mid-cycle bleeding. Also, it might be worth it to check for MTHFR, which can cause implantation issues (and something like 30% of people have it in some form). Hope this cycle ends up happy though!

  38. mrs.halfsie

    olive / 63 posts

    @mrs.someone: I have had all of my progesterone checks done and they all come back fine - that's what I initially suspected too. I go to a naturopathic doctor and she hasn't tested for MTHFR, but thinks that my gluten intolerancy and Vitamin D deficiency might be the culprit for my lack on implantation. I've only been off gluten for a month, but it seems like forever!

  39. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @spaniellove: What a rip off. Thank god you have that credit. That would make me so mad!

    @mrswin: That's great to hear your first IUI went splendidly. I have heard of some people getting two IUIs but that wasn't a protocol my office did. Does that make it much more expensive? I would think it would.

  40. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    Hi ladies! I have been trying to read along yet still get a bit of a mental/emotional break. I think of you all constantly and am cheering for you! I also updated my avatar today. I am starting to tell more people about HB and think not having my photo as my avatar will maintain a little more privacy.

    I went to the IF Support Group on Sunday. It was really good and just like talking with you all with the added bonus of being in person & having a therapist to help us through the process. There were 3 other ladies, me and the therapist. It was in her office, which felt very much like a living room, so nice and comfortable. We all cried (especially me), but it was just nice to have the support of even more people who "get" what IF is like. Wish we all could meet in person for support.

    I saw the post about the Resolve walk. I would love to join you but it is far enough away and with our IF expenses, I just don't think I can do it this year. However, I would give a small donation to your team @spaniellove!

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