Here is my dilemma...
I will be going back to work in roughly three weeks. My husband currently works as well. Since I make more money me not returning to work isn't an option, however, my husband not working just might be.
Here are some details, if we send the baby to daycare part time and continue after school care for our older LO's DH's pay would really only be contributing an additional $400 a month to our finances after paying for the daycare.
He is all about staying home and I think that its wonderful that he wants to take on that responsibility but I'm worried.
I'm concerned he will resent me for being the one who leaves daily and has adult interaction which then could cause problems in our marriage and I'm scared of having all the finances riding on my shoulders. And what if something happens to my employment and all that kind of worry...
But, $400ish a month more doesn't seem worth it for our newborn and older LO's to have to go to daycare instead of being home with a parent.
Anyway, sorry for the run on of worry but what would you do?? Have him quit or continue to work and send them to daycare??