My daughter is 4.5 months old. She is on a really good nap routine based on EAS (eat, awake, sleep). When she wakes up I feed her, then we play, then right around an hour fifteen she starts showing sleep signs and i change her diaper and put her in her merlin sleep suit in the PnP awake (where she always sleeps right now) and let her put herself to sleep, which she is very good at 90% of the time. I let her sleep as long as she wants. So the awake time is always right around 1.5 hours but the naps vary from 45 min to 2.5 hours. So there is no "schedule" (ie: nap time at 10:00am) but there is a good routine. She takes 4-5 naps a day depending on how long they are.
My question - when she takes a long nap (more than 2 hours), it seems like her next nap is affected. She usually goes to sleep on her own no problem (no rocking, etc), but after a 2+ hour nap the next nap seems to be a struggle and sometimes she skips it all together which makes the following nap REALLY bad.
Do you ever wake a sleeping baby if the nap is getting long? Is it just a coincidence or do long naps really affect the next nap