... And my two month old is blissfully asleep along with her daddy. I, on the other hand, am up because my nearly 16 month old isn't feeling well. Before bed he was slightly feverish. This kid never runs a temp. We gave him infant tylenol. I checked on him at one and found him sweating and even hotter to the touch. Round two of tylenol and milk to wash it down.

Since then he's woken me three times just bawling. I tried getting an under arm reading of his temp but it came back in the realms of the norm. No rashes, unexplained cuts, bites, or anything external. No unusual BMs or colorful pee. Just tears, wailing, and inconsolable.

In desperation I called my parents. They suggested stripping him down to his diaper, running a damp washcloth along his body, offering him water and pedialyte to keep him hydrated. So now we're sitting in his room and he's cheerfully playing while I look on, bone tired. I'm hoping he'll cool off and wear himself out soon.

Tomorrow is going to be hell.