Just because I've been on here but I feel like I'm just starting to get familiar with the names and munchkins...

Age: 31 years old
Resides: Ajax, Ontario, Canada
Occupation: Trainer of adults in commercial real estate
Side business: party planning and invitation design
Married: 3 years, with my DH for 11
Status: TTC, fx for baby dust this month
Secret Maternity Pinterest Board: Hellz yeah!

I would love to have twins as we have 5 sets in the family between my DH and I (including my father being identical and his younger brother/sister being faternal) but I will be happy with any joy that is given to me.

I am scared out of my mind of the idea of childbirth but I know I'm not the only one, and I know if my grandmother could do two sets of twins in 3 years with nothing 65 years ago, I can do anything!