Ok Bees, I'm having a hard time holding it together. I just heard from a coworker that another coworker's just turned 3 year old passed away suddenly on Friday. I was told this in confidence and the coworker that told me only knows because he overheard a private conversation that the father had on Friday as he ran out of the office. I am desperately hoping this is a terrible game of telephone.

The father and I compared notes on our daughters every morning since we both got to the office early and we shared hand me downs. I am absolutely devastated for him if it is true.

I keep breaking down and crying but I was sworn to secrecy by the coworker that told me. Obviously, the father hasn't been in the office this week. I'm 6 months pregnant and haven't been too emotional but since I was told I keep crying and wanting to throw up.

I just needed to tell someone since I don't want to go saying any unconfirmed things around the office. Please keep this family in your thoughts.