We did lose the baby this week. I woke up with some bleeding wednesday and an ultrasound showed no heartbeat and the baby was measuring around 7 weeks (should have been almost 10).

I am okay, I promise. Not great, or even really good, but okay. My husband has been great through this. He's taken some time off work and has really been here for me.

If anyone has any thoughts of sort of how to make that paradigm shift of not planning for baby anymore, that'd be helpful. I did buy a bracelet with my favorite Doctor Who quote for this sort of thing ("The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant."), and I'm going to buy a Christmas ornament (I love Christmas more than anything in the world) as well. But if you have any suggestions for ways to make this a bit easier, I'd appreciate it.

Edit: These cramps are the worst I've ever had (and my normal period cramps are bad enough to keep me out of work), so if anyone has any suggestions beyond advil/heat/alcohol, that would be amazing.