So today (at supposedly 6w2d) I went in for my first OB appointment. She offered an ultrasound so I lept at the chance to see our lo.
Well 2 things came out of it (neither good).
1 - I have 2 gestational sacs so she thinks I had a vanishing twin. Thinking you lost a baby you didn't know you had is a weird thing for me.
2 - in the second gestational sac she couldn't see much. I think her ultrasound machine is really crappy, but she said "I think this is where your egg sack is and this is likely where your fetal pole is growing" but she couldn't actually identify anything to measure. She said not to worry that I'm probably just not as far along as I thought, but at the least I could be about 5w5d. DH and I only had sex once in my fertile period so it's pretty clear.
I'm wondering if there are many of you out there who went in to your first ultrasound and they didn't see a fetal pole? If so, did they eventually see one or did you miscarry/have a blighted ovum?
I'm having a second beta hCG drawn Wednesday and will get results Thursday to know if they're at least doubling but I won't go in for another ultrasound for 2 weeks. Ugh too much time to wait and figured at least I'd hear your experiences.