I experienced some spotting yesterday, so I went in for an ultrasound. They saw a baby, with a heartbeat, but there were two weird things. First - it was only 6 weeks along, and not 8, like I thought based on dates. My cycles are weird and usually annovulatory, so that's not super surprising. They dated me at 6 weeks and 1 day. They weren't worried about the spotting.
More disturbing was the baby's heartrate, measured at 95 once and 92 another time. The perinatologist came in and explained that while that isn't great, it's not terrible. She said I could go either way. The internet confirms that at six weeks, below 90 is always fatal, you'd like to be above 100, but between that, it's a mixed bag.
Any experiences? Combined with a general sense of not feeling very pregnant, I'm really not very hopeful here. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised, I guess.