Is anyone else irritated by the people who feel the need to bypass the line of cars waiting in the (clearly marked, been this way for months and months, rush hour traffic that you KNOW they travel every day) lane that continues, ride their car all the way up until their lane ends, and then shove their way into the line by literally attempting to side-swipe your vehicle or shove you into oncoming traffic in the process?

I. Am. So. Freaking. Sick. Of This.

Today I had a car literally shove her way into mine, narrowly avoiding hitting me. When I complained by honking at her she then started yelling at me (which was enjoyable, I didn't pay any attention because my windows were up), random stops in an attempt to make me run into her, not moving with traffic, and the pièce de résistance, actually attempt to scare me by putting herself in reverse and trying to back up into me. In completely stopped traffic. If it makes a difference (and it shouldn't) this isn't the city, this is very much suburbs.

What the hell, lady. Do you honestly believe it is your RIGHT to hit me? You put yourself into the lane that's ending, it's up to you to get yourself out of it. I don't see why it's my responsibility to allow you to cut in front of me so rudely. Would anybody honestly be okay with waiting in line to check out at a store, having someone just shove their way in front of you, and then when you complained, get screamed and yelled at as they stomped your foot?

I so would have loved to have seen the look on her face if I got my 39 and a half week pregnant self out of the car and confronted her. I'm just not that stupid.
