Hellobee Boards


Lane ends, merge left

  1. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @Pink Champagne: even if there is a sign that says "merge now"?

    That's what drives me bonkers. We've been warned that the lane is ending, there is a sign that says "merge now" and people still refuse to obey it. They keep driving past all the people who followed the rules and got in the right lane at the right time.

    @StrawberryBee: I would have been livid had I been in your shoes.

  2. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    i read this yest. and i've been the guilty party before, so this AM i did the right thing by merging early.

    what happened? 3 CARS CUT ME OFF. ONE WAVED ME, the other two did not

  3. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Didn't read the previous comments but yup that is ANNOYING! I admit I have been the one in the wrong before if I wasn't familiar with the roads and freaked out last minute, (of course then waving and calling myself an idiot and hoping the person somehow mysteriously understands that I'm being dumb, not mean, lol) but lots of times there are even signs ahead of time....and frankly, most of the time if it's in rush hour, it's people just trying to cut the line. And you can often tell who they are!!!

    ETA I guess after reading the comments I'm not thinking of the same situation...for some reason my brain went straight to not lane ending but lane turning into an exit...

  4. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @mrsjyw: I hate when people don't give the courtesy wave!

    I just let your late and lazy ass in - at least take the effort to give a thanks.

  5. Sammyfab

    pomegranate / 3383 posts

    I live in a city where there are a gazillion merging lanes that basically make for a hot mess of traffic (at least that's what I think). The general rule is to merge at the end and the one for one rule (which I'm learning is called the zipper rule!). People are generally really nice and 90% of the time give a courtesy wave.

    I actually think that merging at the beginning of the lane and holding up traffic behind you is way worse. If you can merge seamlessly without coming to a complete stop or cutting anyone off then that's way better!

    @StrawberryBee: what happened to you would have annoyed me to no end!!!

  6. Caly

    nectarine / 2765 posts

    @Reese: Ugh!!! No courtesy wave irks me, especially when I've gone out of my way & was kind to let you in. Personally, I wave.

    The merging situation drives me INSANE. A lady almost hit me the other day b/c she wanted in my lane in the middle of an intersection (she decided to go straight instead of turn). If I hadn't slammed on my brakes, she would have hit me. I honked & she put her arm out the window & did a shoo-ing motion w/her hand like I was some kind of pesky ant. I laughed hysterically. She scowled. Haha

  7. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @LuLu Mom: I think maybe her thought process was that she'd claim I rear ended her? Hence also the abrupt stops; she was trying to force a rear end. Either that or she was just trying to scare me. Eh, didn't work for either end result, thankfully ;).

    @KayKay: I actually wish there were clearer signs about what to do in these situations. If they developed a sign for here (I've never seen one) that specifically dictated what to do in a construction merge (one for one), then people would fill up both lanes and take turns moving forward. This makes sense to me, because no one is taking unfair advantage of it. In actuality we get the notice about the lane ending, everyone except for a few people merges over as traffic allows them, and the few who don't cram it up at the end.

    Whether you merge early or late on our roads it really doesn't affect the backup. Things still move just as slowly because there's no where to go; you're limited by the light up ahead and how many people are turning left. Traffic isn't blocking any intersections. So it comes across as the only reason those ten drivers are speeding up to the end is to cut the line and be 'first'.

  8. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    I've always felt like it's a matter of respect for the rules to get over as soon as you see the sign, at least in a freeway situation. Construction, accident, whatever, for the safety of the construction workers or emergency personnel.

  9. pinkcupcake

    cantaloupe / 6751 posts

    @StrawberryBee: ahhhh this irritates me to no end. Seriously- did they not see the merge sign posted way back there?! Ugh. I feel ya. So. Annoying.

  10. PurplePumps

    pomegranate / 3809 posts

    If everyone else is good about merging, then I follow suit and merge too, then sit in the middle and block the ending lane to make sure the one or two assholes don't make it by.
    If there is just a line of cars merging, I follow them and become part of the mass of jerks. Why be nice and merge early when half the road is waiting till the last minute.

  11. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    Ok, for construction and accidents, I get over as soon as possible safely. If the left lane is starting the back up and I can't get over safely (without slamming on my brakes), then I stay in that lane til I can.

    As for highway ramps and merging into rush hour traffic, I standby my rule of going all the way to the end of the lane to zipper in. (I say 'end of the lane', I don't make my own lane... I get annoyed with people when they do that.) If an on-ramp is meant to hold 10 cars and someone merges early and therefore only allows 5 cars on the ramp... it creates a backup. It's a domino affect. The traffic lights work with the metered ramps to make sure traffic is flowing. If someone merges super early and creates a backup, then it creates a backup elsewhere. Now, like I said, if you can quickly merge early without stopping the rest of the cars behind you then go ahead. It's not a problem in my book. I get annoyed when people merge early and stops traffic.

  12. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @bluestriped bee: agreed! This case was not a highway situation; I don't mind people merging off of an on-ramp because they have no choice in the matter; it's not their fault they're on the on ramp and it's ending.

  13. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Oh, sorry. This was a construction or accident merge? Ugh! That's so annoying.

  14. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @bluestriped bee: @StrawberryBee: Yeah, I don't live in a city, I have no idea whatsoever about rush hour or city traffic rules.

  15. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    I always go to the end of the lane and wait until it seems like there's a space to merge into. But it sounds like this lady was a big old c word. She was acting crazy!!


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