Anyone have stories of when you've had to lay down the law with your parents or in laws?
My parents are in town for Easter, they're not staying with us (lots of family in the area) but we've seen then twice. Dd is three weeks old. The first time they showed up earlier than the time they told me they were coming so I spent the first hour of their visit in my room with the door closed breastfeeding. Then when we were done and my parents were holding her, she would start crying and my mom wouldn't want to give her to me because "her cry is so sweet I don't want her to stop" um, no. Give me my baby. I didn't say anything but I kept taking her back if she was crying.
Then last night we went to a huge family Easter egg hunt. There were probably 30+ people there and it was a bit hectic. My mom was holding dd again and she was screaming crying. I was trying to take her back and my mom literally wouldn't let go of her feet while I was taking her to the point I kind of had to pivot and jerk her away. she kept saying no one minded that she was screaming. I don't care if adults mind, I care about my screaming baby! So angry, but I didn't say anything. Then later I heated up a bottle of milk I pumped specifically for this party and when it was warm I went to get crying dd from my mom again who insisted it was fine and I didn't need to take her because she didn't mind the crying. Finally I snapped and said "what you think about the crying doesn't matter, it's not about about you, she's hungry and I'm going to take her" in a pretty stern/snappy tone. Dh fed her and low and behold she stopped crying. My mom, however, cried that I snapped at her. Ugh. Thank goodness they live out of state.
Have you ever had to snap at your family? Tell me I'm not the only one.