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MAY-be this is our month? May 2014 POAS thread

  1. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @sheskrafty: I mean, if you waited til your missed period, you'd likely choose to have the glass. It definitely won't hurt you if you are pregnant - with my DD, I had a mixed drink the night before my BFP! they aren't sharing blood supply with you quite yet.

  2. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @sheskrafty: I'd say go ahead and have the wine (or a half glass if you're super worried.) My doc condones an occasional glass of wine during pregnancy anyway!

  3. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @sheskrafty: I don't think a glass of wine would hurt. 10 DPO is super early.

  4. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @sheskrafty: I would just drink the wine like normal.

  5. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    Thanks all! Wine it is!!

  6. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @NerdBee: Today is the second day of elevated temps. I guess we'll see what my temp does tomorrow, but I just can't believe I ovulated this early and that I never got a positive OPK.

  7. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @simplyfelicity: @sorrycharlie: @littleK: LOL! Man, you guys are POAS pushers, huh? I have not tested yet. I did check under my bathroom sink and find out the tests I had on hand are expired! I haven't bought new ones yet. I still don't even know if I'm late yet, because I don't know the start date of my last AF. I just know I had it on 4/20 (so I probably also had it on 4/19, 4/18, 4/17, maybe 4/16?) Wish I had been tracking things!!!
    I logged into my old fertility friend account and my cycles from TTC #1 varied from 28-34 days. 31 days on average. Analyze that!

  8. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @sheskrafty: I agree with the others who said to drink I had a good amount of wine the day before my first BFP and LO is pretty normal

  9. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: uh oh, another POAS-pusher

  10. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    Y'all, I am dizzy, crampy, neauseated, burpy, have aching boobs and a runny nose...just like last month. I am super hyper aware of my body. I have no idea when I ovulated...if I get a BFN, I know to NEVER EVER trust symptoms.

  11. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I think wanting to be pregnant makes you feel so many things! It's maddening. I am still bloated and crampy. But really it's probably because I've been eating really unhealthy. Hope it's a BFP for you!

  12. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @sheskrafty: I am planning to have one margarita tonight! Like others said, this early is totally fine! Oh and my fingers are crossed for you!

  13. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @cmomma17: I know! It's only my second time ttc ever and my first was last month with my CP so I have no freaking clue if this is real or not. Even last month, I was convinced it wasn't real and was all in my head. I guess I will find out soon enough! And thanks! My fingers are crossed for you!

  14. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @simplyfelicity: when I was TTC for #1, it took over 9 months. Maybe 8 cycles total? I felt all kinds of things along the way, but the cycle I actual got pregnant something totally random set me off and I just knew the test would be before I even peed! I took one sip of my morning coffee (big coffee drinker, daily habit) and it tasted so weird/disgusting/off! I thought "holy crap I'm finally pregnant" and I was!

  15. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @cmomma17: You are right, you never do know! I hope I (we) feel wonky for a good reason!

  16. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I'm going crazy because I feel nothing...because I felt nothing with my last pregnancy, so it has to be something, right?

  17. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Espion: Haha, I'm the same way! I feel so normal that maybe it's abnormal...??? HA!

  18. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Espion: Hahahaha! YES!

  19. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @raspberries: Aren't you POAS-ing soon ?!

  20. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @simplyfelicity: Yes! I POAS-ed early at 10 DPO and BFN. AF is due tomorrow but I'm not feeling crampy or anything like that - just completely normal, so maybe it's a sign? (Or maybe I'm symptom-spotting my lack of symptoms, haha.) I figure if there's nothing by Sunday morning, I'll POAS first thing!

  21. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    Looks like I'm out, just went to the bathroom and saw af starting. Good luck to the rest of the POAS this month!

  22. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @MrsStar: I'm sorry! Wishing you all the best next month!

  23. Annette

    cherry / 203 posts

    I 've been mia for a few days so I wanted to congratulate all the BFP's I missed ! As for the rollovers I wish you luck next month!!!

  24. Mrs. Coral

    clementine / 812 posts

    @Mrs. Star I'm sorry! I hope you pamper yourself.

  25. NerdBee

    clementine / 828 posts

    @Aria: How are your temps today? Even if you only BD o-3 there is still a chance that you may be KU if your SO has strong swimmers

  26. angelachase

    apricot / 306 posts

    @Aria: I'm in the exact same boat! My temps have been very consistent all month, then I had a dip yesterday and my temp shot way up today (and I'm traveling too). I really hope it's just a weird fluke, because like you, we totally missed our window if this was O. I started taking vitamin B6 this cycle and I'm afraid it messed with my O date--today is CD14 and I have never ovulated this early before!

  27. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @NerdBee: It's still elevated. And in case I was still in denial, FF says that travel only usually affects the day of and the day after traveling, so I guess it looks like I actually did O.

    I know there's still a small chance with O-3, but I'm not feeling very hopeful about it. I really don't want to move into my 6th month of trying in June.

  28. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @angelachase: Well apparently traveling can affect the day and day after you travel so hopefully yours is just a fluke. It's looking like mine is not, but I've never in my life O'd this early and all my OPKs were negative.

  29. angelachase

    apricot / 306 posts

    @Aria: I had a flight last night (and two glasses of red wine) so I guess I just have to wait until tomorrow morning to see if it's still elevated. I've also had no distinct EWCM and usually it's very obvious. It's so frustrating when you can't figure out what's going on with your body! I'm so sorry about the negative OPKs...I would find that maddening. Good luck.

  30. NerdBee

    clementine / 828 posts

    @Aria: I'm sorry FX for you!

  31. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    @simplyfelicity: You absolutely CANNOT trust your body. It sucks, but psychosomatic symptoms are a real thing. Unfortunately, I am all too familiar with them...

  32. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @septca: I know. I am noting them without reading too much into them. I actually think I was just getting sick. How are you?

  33. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    Tummy has just felt off all day long. Convinced myself I'm pregnant.

  34. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @cmomma17: Fingers crossed! I am sure I have asked, but what dpo are you again?

  35. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I have no idea, that's the problem! I didn't pay attention to my last cycle! I don't know the first day of my last AF, I only know the last day was 4/20. No clue when to POAS!

  36. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @cmomma17: just curious, why aren't you testing? If you have symptoms you should probably have positive HPT if you are pregnant.

  37. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    I'm out. Good luck to everyone!! Off to enjoy some guilt free wine.

  38. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @cmomma17: FIRST day of my last cycle was 4/20 and I have had several positive tests. so you're several days ahead..get to peeing, lady!

  39. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @littlek: because I am both scared and cheap!

  40. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @sorrycharlie: seriously??! Oh dear lord .....

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