So at my last prenatal appointment our midwife asked about post-partum birth control, which, to be honest, I hadn't really given much thought to yet.

DH and I are like 98% and 95% sure we only want this one McBebe (respectively), but until we're both 100% sure we don't want to make any serious long-term decisions (in this case, DH will likely eventually get snipped). In the meantime we really really don't want an oopsie baby.

With a baby I worry I'll forgot to take a pill, so I told her I'd like something that I won't have to worry about taking everyday. I've used Nuvaring before, and had some bad side effects. Bottom line isI want something that's as reliable as possible that I can't f*ck up by forgetting about. She suggested we go with either Mirena or Implanon.

I've started doing research about both of them, and was wondering if other bees would share their experiences (good and bad).

For instance I've read that Implanon can cause weight gain and hair loss. Did anyone have that experience? Did it stop your period? Did you lose your sex drive with Mirena?

What would you recommend?