Now that I emerging from the "fog" of the first few months (or I think I am, at any rate!), I am starting to think back to some of the things I did just to get by in the beginning. LO is now 4 1/2 months old and while we are finally settling into some sort of routine (again, I think we are!), I am kicking myself for some of the scheduling I did when he was little.

I did not do well being at home all day when he was a newborn. I found that being out and about helped me to get more comfortable with him and kept me from feeling too overwhelmed at home, by myself. Therefore, much of the napping he did when he was very little was done either in the carseat while we were out and about (we walked a lot downtown) or in the living room in his snuggabunny rocker. I was not very strict about creating a structured nap schedule. When I spoke to our pediatrician about this, he agreed that this was OK, but explained that I might just not ever have a good napper. He felt, as did I, that my mental health was important and that if getting out helped me to feel more "normal" in the beginning, then it was OK.

I just feel now like I missed out on something and that I should have gotten him into a better routine when I was home. I have been back at work now for almost 2 months but sometimes wish that I could go back to the beginning and have that "beginning time" with him again.

Just feeling a little guilty today... thanks for letting me vent, ladies...