DS#2 was born at 35 weeks 4 days. He was TPN and Lipids "fed" until he could have a tube fed put in. He had an OG tube for most of his hospital stay. They did bottle feed him breast milk once he could tolerate suck, swallow, breath. When I was there I put him to breast but with a shield. Since he was born early and couldn't be put to breast they had me pumping every 3 hours to ensure that my supply would be ok.

Fast forward to now, E is home and breast feeding with aid of a shield but he isn't eating as much as I was pumping. I need help with the following problems:

1. How do I cool off the amount my body is producing?
2. How do I avoid getting a clogged duct or mastitis while my supply regulates?
3. How can I wean off the shield?

Any other tips for breastfeeding a preemie would be wonderful.