I'm mostly chipper, but I'm also REALLY prone to break down in tears - even sobbing. My baby is as healthy as we can know about at the moment. My husband has been ultra sweet, supportive, and helpful the past several months. We're moving into a nice house on Thursday, with a non-scary lease. My parents will be here on Monday (I've been missing them - they are helping us move.) We have just over 3 weeks to get moved (WAY more time than we need!) I like my doctor (which is astounding) and I have a doula I like (she is SUCH a sweetheart.) I can stand getting all teary and sniffly at silly things like My Little Pony or Abba songs, or over family/friend stuff, but the bawling for no apparent reason is annoying.

I'm a little over 11 weeks, and my mom had no pregnancy symptoms aside from heartburn in month 9, so I don't have a good basis for comparison. Does this smooth out? Does it get worse (oh, my poor husband)?