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Most frustrating pregnancy symptom?

  1. Somebunny

    cherry / 231 posts

    It was the itching for me too. It was only the soles of my feet. Weird? But it was SO BAD. I couldn't sleep at night because I wanted to claw my feet off. The only thing that helped was icing them until they were numb. lol I got up at least 3 times a night to do that so I could get some sleep, any sleep at all. Luckily it only lasted 2-3 weeks. But it was worse than anything else. By far.

  2. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    I sneezed this morning and got a weird pain under my belly. Anyone ever experience that?

  3. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    I'm only 24 weeks today so I'm sure there will be more unpleasant symptoms to come... But so far I def do not want to relive the exhaustion and nausea from 1st trimester!

  4. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Heartburn! I HATE heartburn and I've got it even earlier this time around! It sucks!

    Also, totally agree about snissing. I had that problem last pregnancy and it lasted after Xander was born and now it's worse.

  5. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @MarieJ: Round ligament pain - curl up into a ball before you sneeze or bend over and it should help.

  6. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @BakerBee: Thanks! It was really awful. I was driving & the pain really caught me off guard. I'll have to remember that for next time

  7. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @Pumuckl: Could it be to possibly rhinitis of pregnancy, like from the post nasal drip? If so, maybe some sort of allergy medicine would help?

    @MamaMoose: It is! That's good you aren't currently dealing with it.

    @MarieJ: I'm nearing the end, and am only getting that now. But, I also get the pain from just moving the wrong way. No clue what it is.

  8. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    SNISSING. Best term ever. And I mean, how is that happening already at only 18+6?!

    But, for me, the worst is probably the headaches. They put me totally out of commission!

  9. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    Currently I have all day nausea to the point of dry heaving, acne all over my face and a thousand mouth ulcers. I hate all of them!

  10. MRSJX3

    cherry / 245 posts

    The hormones. My God, the hormones.

    And I say that after having such bad morning sickness that I broke blood vessels in my face!!

  11. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2806 posts

    Nausea, puking and last night (17.5 weeks) I had the most painful trapped gas... So bad that I couldn't stand, walk or move out of certain laying positions. It was so very painful!!! But, hey.... TOTALLY worth it!!

  12. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Boogs: Hmm no, I don't really have any nasal congestion just my ears. The moment I lay down flat it is all gone (not very practical in a group office setting with basically only males though ).


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