There is so much wrong with our medical system that it makes me totally disgusted

Today my ob group scheduled an induction due to size. This morning however, they wanted to do another ultrasound to verify weight.

According to ACOG a baby over 5000 grams is an automatic c-section at 39 weeks. The ultrasound measured the baby at 5074. This means that I was no longer a candidate for induction.
However, no one can legally force you to have a c-section. So I refused.

What does this mean?

This means that although I believe baby is big (I think he's 10 and a half pounds for the record and not the 11lbs 3oz the u/s tech put him at) and that the risks do increase with the larger he becomes, because of legal issues and a fear of being sued, my OB will not induce.

However, if in the next week I go into labor naturally they will "allow me to try a vaginal delivery", because it was my choice to take the risk. I feel that they are basically playing Russian roulette with my birth.

Allowing for him to get bigger over the next week, would only allow for the risks to grow that they claim they don't want to take. The midwife in the practice I see basically fought for me until they shut her down. This is my 2nd pregnancy and my 2nd c-section refusal.

ETA: Ok just to be very clear. The ob and the midwife walked into the room and said, you have 2 choices 1) you can have a c-section today or 2) you can wait and see if you go into labor on your own in the next week and then we would have to let you try