Henry has always been an early riser. When he was an infant, I was often up for the day at 6:30. Thankfully, as he's grown, he let that time slip ubtil it was 7:00 then gloriously to 7:30. Since we've moved he's started sleeping until 8:00. Then for the past few weeks, there's been times when he would sleep until 8:30. But 9:20?! Huge leap.
Henry usually has a morning nap around 9:30 (sometimes goes down at 10:00) and will sleep for at least an hour and a half. Possibly two hours. Then we get up, eat lunch, play, often watch a movie, then it's down for his afternoon nap at 2:00. He'll often sleep from then until 4:00 when his daddy gets home. Then he's up for the afternoon evening until his bed time at 7:00 (flexible in 20 minutes either way due to amount of energy).
DS went to bed last night a little before 7:00 without any fuss and we didn't hear a peep. The only time I heard anything was some whining this morning at 4:30 when I was up feeding DD. Then the next thing I know, he's cryig in his crib and it's 9:20.
He's 15 months old and before we moved (and DD was born), he used to wake up happy. He'd babble in his crib and be happy that way until I came to get him up. Now all I hear is crying first thing. Should I be setting an alarm in the morning to get him up by? Would that help with his disposition? I want my happy boy back. He's always happy after naps but sleeping through the night seems to distress him. What's a mom to do?