Hellobee Boards


Naked baby on the beach: nay or yay?

  • poll: Naked baby?
    Yay! : (35 votes)
    28 %
    Nay! : (92 votes)
    72 %
  1. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    I voted yay. I'm an American living in Europe and it is totally the norm here. It is just no big deal at all. Even at splash pads or when kids play in fountains, it's completely normal and ok for them to be naked in the middle of the city. That said, when we do let our kid go naked at the beach or elsewhere, it is always with sunscreen.

  2. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    I voted no..... but mainly because having the naked option would compromise my excuse to buy a cute swimsuit for DD and an adorable sun hat to match!

  3. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    Ok... I had to really think about this.

    On the one hand, I'm comfortable with nudity. I want her to be comfortable with nudity. Bodies aren't something to be ashamed of.

    But... she's too young to make the choice for herself, so if I let her run around in public nude, am I compromising her bodily integrity?

    I'm going to err on the safe side for now and say nay to baby public nudity.

  4. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    I'm in Europe, I say yay. But I personally don't feel comfy with DD running around naked, but I'll probably get used to it.

  5. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    Yes, over here in Europe a lot of babies and even older kids are naked on the beach. Don't see a problem with it.

    I tend to alternate between DS being butt naked and being in a rashguard suit with longer sleeves and legs, depending on temperature, strength of the sun, location etc.

  6. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    I've done it with my son in Europe, so I guess yay?

  7. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    I'm fine with it. I don't think it's compromising her integrity- she likes to be naked. And she doesn't have a concept of shame about her body yet, so it's fine. I'm not embarrassed that my parents let me run around naked- it's just what kids do. They have a picture of me buck naked jumping through a sprinkler on their wall- I'm fine with that, too. It's not my adult body.

    I'm not interested in projecting my feelings about nakedness on her baby body. And for those concerned about predators, children are significantly more likely to be sexually abused by someone they know, so you would need to have the baby clothed at all times, even around family, if that was a true concern. And, not to totally freak people out, but someone who is "interested" in looking at your naked baby would likely also be interested in "looking" at your baby in a bathing suit....not to totally derail this thread, but people who are attracted to children aren't only attracted to naked children.
    I wouldn't out naked pictures of her on the internet, but that's a different ball of wax entirely- they leave your possession when you do that and can go anywhere and have anything done with them.

    That said, she only gets to be naked outside when we are in the shade or at the end if the day because I'm super paranoid about sun damage!

  8. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts


  9. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    My initial thought was nay because of sand in their baby bits. Not so much the nakedness, but the bare bum for sunburns and sand in your butt? I'll pass! Diaper at minimum!

  10. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    Nay because of sand and sun, not because of nakedness!

  11. OldEnglandMama

    cherry / 212 posts

    European stuck in the States here. Baby will be naked whenever possible this Summer.

    Diapers, like swimsuits, will do very little to keep sand out. It gets evvvverrrrywhere.

    Like @lamariniere: said, sunscreen them up and they're good to go. I think I spent most of my childhood summers, up to the age of 8, naked. We put swimsuits/clothes on to eat, or run errands. But just playing at the beach...I say save on laundry!

  12. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    I think it's fine as long as they get proper sun protection... But I'd prefer to have a diaper, cuz otherwise that means they're pee/poo-ing in the sand?!


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