When you have 2 kids do you feel like you dont get to go out as much because the little one needs to nap still? We had a terrible cold winter and my car had no heat for a while so I didnt care about not going out because it was so cold even in the car. Now that the weather is nicer I want to go out more but find after we get up and everyone is settled and dressed and fed baby needs to go down for her first nap. Aftr she is up somedays I got get ready for work so we cant go out anymore. We do go play outside, my older one and I when baby is sleeping, but I feel bad when I mention the park or library or even Target but then because of the nap thing we get pinned at home. Please tell me its not just me? I could just take baby and maybe she would nap when we are out but I feel like she does need a real nap in her bed too.