We've been sleeping training DS for the last 5 days. His night sleep has drastically improved. He'll go down between 7-8pm, sleep up to 8 hours, eat and then do down again until 7-8am. It's really great.
Also, we ditched his swaddle starting sleep training, and his nights have been better than when he was swaddled.

BUT now his naps are horrid. He used to be such a GREAT napper. He would take two 2-hour naps each day. It was awesome (or, a 2.5 hr nap, and then a 1.5 hr one). I valued that day time to myself soo much.

But he won't nap longer than half an hour now. Is this a phase that will pass once sleep training is over? I'm not sure what to do.

Yesterday was awful, he was miserable all day because he was sooo tired. I don't want that to continue.