Wondering if 3 mos. old is too early to start 'nap' training - if there is such a thing? And if so, do any of you have any good books/websites/resources for it? LO is an amazing nighttime sleeper and knows how to put herself to sleep at night. She nurses for 10 or 15 minutes and goes right to sleep. She wakes up often throughout the night and gets herself back to sleep sucking her thumb/fingers (her crib is in our room and we hear it all.night.long!). She goes anywhere from 7 hours to last night she went 11 hours straight in her crib!

BUT she will NOT nap longer than 30 minutes in her crib during the day. She will nap an hour in her swing (but obviously we don't want to make that a habit), and will nap forever in our arms. Any ideas? Is 3 months too young to try to nap train her to nap a few times a day? Or am I doomed to have a baby who doesn't nap because she sleeps so well at night?

I am going to be a work-from-home mom starting in september and I NEED her to nap for at least an hour a couple times a day so I can do some work!