Our lease is up at the end of January and we need to decide whether to stay or go. We live in a lovely upscale gated community, in a two bedroom townhouse with garage.
Our rent will jump to $1600 if we renew and with LO on the way, it will be a stretch for us financially to stay. Other than being a little small, I love the community and feel safe there.

Over the weekend we took a look at some places for price-comparison. Either apartments were super small (all one level) or they were super expensive. We found only 1 apartment that would fit our budget. We told the manager we would think about it.

She called SO today and offered to rent the 3/2 to us for less than $1200. It seems like a too good to be true offer. I've been doing some research and found 1 bad review (about drug dealers and auto thefts) but several positive reviews.

I was brutally mugged about 3 years ago outside of my old apartment (before I moved in with SO) so safety is extremely important to me.

This apartment would save us at least $400 /month, not to mention give us a whole extra bedroom, but I don't want to give up the safety and security we have now.

It seemed fine in the daytime, and we plan on going back at nighttime to check lighting and the parking lot.

Does anyone have any suggestions on where else to look to get an idea of crime statistics and whether it's a safe neighbourhood?