Hi! I've been poking around the site for a couple of months and have commented on a few boards here & there, but it's time for a formal introduction, as I hope to become a more active bee
I'm 26, been with DH for 7.5 years, married almost 2.5 years, and work outside the home. I came off bc in June, but we were still being...err, safe. I've always teased DH about babies, and he totally caught me off guard when he recently told me he was ready!
I'm not sure if it counts as NTNP or TTC, but we are just taking a relaxed route and seeing what happens. I did look up my ovulation cycles, and we're loosely using that as a guide. We've been eating better, no alcohol (still not sure how to explain that one to family & friends lol). I'm not really sure what else I need to know from here, so any suggestions would be great! I'm not into temping or anything and just want to keep my anxiety to a minimum & have fun!