Just for some back story, I am 18 weeks pregnant and have not had an ultrasound. This is totally intentional. My husband and I prefer to limit ultrasounds and we are waiting until next year for insurance purposes. Our ultrasound will be around 24 weeks.
If I base my due date off of the day I think I ovulated I get a due date of April 29. If I based it off of my last period, my due date is April 22. My midwife isn't concerned over a week and neither am I. I realize that the due date doesn't mean much in the grand scheme anyways.
Now for my problem... I've been telling people that I'm due the end of April. Everybody wants to know a specific date. I hate explaining my dates because it makes it sound like LO #2 was unplanned to people that aren't up to date on TTC lingo and that is totally not the case. People already have opinions on that because my first was only 10 months old when we conceived though anyways... Did anyone else not have a due date? How did you deal with questions and pushy people? I'm finding this extremely annoying lately!