Lately she has been driving me nuts with this. It started out slowly but now she makes a point to tell me what she bought for HER baby and what she is doing her HER little girl... sometimes she is even nice and says "OUR" and yes, it is always in caps to emphasize the point.... always. She buys clothes that say "I love my grandma" or "My grandma is my favorite" which it totally fine if it were one or two... but it is almost everything she buys. Seriously.

I even pointed out, jokingly, that she wasn't in the room when the baby was made and she said "No but I made you and so she is MY baby and besides, it means more for me for you to have a baby, especially a little girl, since I raised you. Babies are just more important to grandparents than they are to parents." Huh? How does that even begin to make sense?!?! She is constantly telling me how I should raise her baby and what her baby needs and that I am not allowed to buy anything for her baby. She even has gone so far as to say she will make sure her baby loves her the most, especially more than her Bubbie (DH'd mom).

It is seriously driving me nuts. I have been just rolling my eyes and ignoring it because at least she is excited and I know she will spoil this girl rotten. She hardly got excited for my wedding so to see her get so into our baby is, well, exciting. And, selfishly, I know if I say something and upset her she will slow down on buying baby stuff... which has been super helpful so far... So I keep my mouth shut.

I was going to say something once but Mr. Hedgie stopped me and reminded me that if I upset her about this and make her any less excited her level of help and involvement may decrease and we don't want that. Which is true. I am not ashamed to admit I am totally okay with letting her to continue to buy stuff and spend crazy amounts of money on "HER" baby. I mean, in the end isn't that really helping out her real "baby" (me)?

Am I being a bad person? What would you do? Could you bite your tongue? Am I setting myself up for frustrations and issues down the road once MY little hoglet is born?