Hi ladies,

It's been a long time since I've posted here as DS is almost 2 and ttc hasn't been on the agenda. We've been talking about going again soon and so haven't been as consistent with bc in recent months.

Anyway, this month we dtd on day 7 of my consistently 27/28 day cycle and then I was travelling with my son for the following three weeks so didn't think much of it. AF due today and for some reason got the urge to poas, even though as far as I'm concerned it's not even a runner this month.

Anyway a pink line (that I can see anyway) appeared within the time frame - maybe within one minute and is still there hours later.

Was wondering if anyone has any experience with ONE STEP Pregnancy (10mIU) Home Urine Test Strips (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ovulation-Fertility-Tests-Pregnancy-Strips/dp/B00JWSTOBM ) and if they give evap lines?

Thanks for any opinions:)