Hellobee Boards


*Pumpkin Smugglers!!* Oct 2014 POAS!

  1. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    @worrywart @Mrs.Microscope: sorry this month didn't pan out. FX for next month!

    I did exactly what I said I wasn't going to do and tested again this morning (I am waaaaay more impatient this time around) and got a BFN. AF isn't due until Saturday so I guess I am technically not out yet but feels less likely for whatever reason. I only have 1 FRER left so will likely wait until Sat am unless AF shows up early. @valentinemommy-- can you move my "official" POAS date in the next update??

  2. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    BFP's!!!! : eko! mrs.kmm! jess1483! tarheelbee! desertdreams88!

    POAS Dates :

    TBD: Hoots, jaguar, tam, willow

    10/8: hellobeeboston, jone0603
    10/9: lalalove
    10/10: misslace, yogirunner, ballerinabee
    10/11: abmamma
    10/15: bluemasonjar
    10/16: mrs scrapbook
    10/19: mrs. j. mrs_cc
    10/20: nortstar, valentinemommy, ashleyf21
    10/21: amommythang
    10/22: travellingbee, mrsstar
    10/23: chaosmaven, simplyfelicity, jennyg
    10/25: eleanorrigby
    10/26: mrsads
    10/27: tidybee
    10/30: runnergirl

    Rollover to November: angelachase, auggiefrog, worrywart. mrs. microscope

    Cheerleaders: mrsmccarthy, raspberries, mrschickpea

  3. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @abmamma: it's so much easier to just update every time or else i get behind!! updated for ya!

  4. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Thanks

  5. EleanorRigby

    olive / 66 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I'm new here but just wanted to say that I'm sorry to hear about your CP, hoping Nov is your month!

  6. JennyG

    clementine / 912 posts

    @hellobeeboston: I didn't test. My cycle was a confusing mess last month due to a billion flashing smileys and I am now only on CD10. I'm planning to test later this month.

    @Mrs. Microscope: I love the positive outlook. I also love Epcot's Food and Wine festival and am a little jealous that you'll be hitting it up. Enjoy!!

  7. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    You ladies are all so awesome! Thanks for the support! Orlando should be a blast for sure, and dh and and I will be starting EOD BD again as well just to add to the fun!

    I can't wait to see all the bfps rolling in the rest of the month. October is still a lucky month!

  8. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @MrsADS: I'm sorry for your news...but at least you know whats wrong. I have several friends who have male factors and all of them have since had kids...a few through IVF and a few after some supplements for their husbands.
    @Mrs. Microscope: ugh I'm sorry. i'm just coming off a CP as well. They get your hopes up but fortunately, not for too long. Hoping this was a call to your body to get ready for a sticky baby next time!

  9. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    The opk's that I ordered finally came in, so I finally get to start testing. I will probably take one when I get home since it's CD 11 and I have no clue when I ovulate or if I ovulate. One Dr. told me I have PCOS the other Dr. said there's no way due to the fact I've already have a child. I do normally take progesterone CD 14 through CD 28 but I've been slacking so I will start back up again this month. Hopefully I didn't ovulate already!

  10. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    i think i might be out. Ive been spotting the past 2 days (light, brown), and today it was still going but a little heavier with a tiny bit of red. I wouldn't consider this my normal period though because usually its full on heavy and red. It seems like i'll get it full force tomorrow, but if not i'll definitely test in the morning.

  11. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @misslace, I am in the EXACT same boat as you. Scant pink/brown spotting for the past 2 days. Spotting usually never lasts more than 2 days for me (if at all, it's maybe 12 hours), so I'm just waiting for tomorrow.
    Keep us updated!

    And thanks for everyone who talked some sense into me about not testing too early! It was definitely the right call.

  12. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @MissLace: Have my fingers crossed for you!

    Got a positive opk today! So gotta make dh bd (he's working a lot this week and is super tired) but he's not going to get a choice

  13. angelachase

    apricot / 306 posts

    @MrsADS: I'm so sorry to hear this. I am kind of wondering if a similar outcome is down the road for us.....if I recall correctly, I've been TTC as long as you have, also with no results but with good timing and clear ovulation.

    @Mrs. Microscope: I'm sorry about your CP!

    @ValentineMommy: I actually decided I am going to TTC this month (and take a break next month), so you can put me as POAS on 10/31 instead of a rollover!

  14. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @abmamma: FXed for you!
    @Mrs. Microscope: Sorry to hear it! Hope You have fun in Disney!
    @MissLace: I hope you're not out!

    I'm at CD 12 with the 3rd day of blinking smileys. Expect to ovulate in the next couple of days. I'm sick with a cold and still dealing with this yeast or bacterial thing. Grrrr not feeling it will be our month. Again. At my appt this Friday I'm supposed to discuss getting DH tested.

  15. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    Well crap, by the time i got home from my commute AF showed up in full force

  16. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    I dont know why everytime i post from my phone it only takes the first sentence or two after i write out a whole long post. I swear the internet is telling me to suck it up and move on.

  17. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    I'm out too. AF is definitely here now. DH is especially bummed but I'm hopeful for next month. Tonight, I'm taking advantage of the good Vermont beer in our fridge!

    to everyone still in their 2ww!

  18. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I am sorry for your loss. I don't test early either because my first loss was also a CP that I wouldn't have known about otherwise. Wishing you all the best on your trip and in November.

  19. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    Congrat to all the so far and good luck to everyone waiting to test

  20. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    I took my very first opk ever tonight and it was negative. Hoping for a smiley face in the next few days

  21. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    Hi ladies! Can I join? I'm not great at keeping up with threads but I'm going to try! Hoping to continue the lucky streak

    Cycle Day: 14
    TTC Cycle #: 2 (had a m/c at 5 weeks last cycle)
    Ovulation and POAS dates: Ovulation: 10/8 or 10/9? POAS: 10/20 (going to try to hold out as long as possible)
    Baby #: 2 (DS is almost 16 months)
    Your plan this month: Go with the flow
    Chart link: no chart

    I had an early loss last cycle (5 weeks) so I wasn't expecting to O on time, but all symptoms are pointing to O. We've only BD'd twice since then since I needed some time to process things so I don't think we have a great chance this month We BD'd last night and we'll try for the next few nights to maximize our chances. Fingers crossed!

    Good luck!

  22. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @AMommyThang: hope that smiley comes soon! Do you know when you normally O? Or is this your first time tracking O? I get so psyched when I see a smiley!

    @qbbride: good luck this month!!

  23. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    BFP's!!!! : eko! mrs.kmm! jess1483! tarheelbee! desertdreams88!
    POAS Dates :

    TBD: Hoots, jaguar, tam, willow

    10/8: hellobeeboston, jone0603
    10/9: lalalove
    10/10: ballerinabee
    10/11: abmamma
    10/15: bluemasonjar
    10/16: mrs scrapbook
    10/19: mrs. j. mrs_cc
    10/20: northstar, valentinemommy, ashleyf21, qbbride
    10/21: amommythang
    10/22: travellingbee, mrsstar
    10/23: chaosmaven, simplyfelicity, jennyg
    10/25: eleanorrigby
    10/26: mrsads
    10/27: tidybee
    10/30: runnergirl
    10/31: angelachase

    Rollover to November: auggiefrog, worrywart, mrs. microscope, misslace, yogirunner

    Cheerleaders: mrsmccarthy, raspberries, mrschickpea

  24. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @MissLace: @YogiRunner: So sorry ladies. FX for next month

  25. mrs scrapbook

    apricot / 375 posts

    @MissLace: @YogiRunner: I'm sorry ladies. Baby dust for November.

  26. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    I posted this elsewhere, but figured I'd ask you ladies as well.

    I'm new to charting this month. I had a positive opk on tuesday and wednesday mornings (negative this morning), but my temp only rose a little today. Isn't it supposed to spike up after O?

    I'm attaching my chart. I had to omit a few days in the middle, because I didn't realize I had to temp at the same time every day (and that was the weekend when I wake up later).

    Anyway, do you think I o-ed?

  27. Hoots

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @ValentineMommy: I think it's possible, but you won't know for sure until 2-3 days past today. (I know, annoying) Not everyone has a huge spike. I know mine spikes roughly .5, but I've seen other charts where it's only .2-.3. If FF tells me I've o'ed and there's not a spike like I normally see, then I have started overriding it and lo and behold my temp dips within the next few days. The first month charting is tough because you don't know what to look for. I think the only thing to do is wait it out the next few days and see what happens.

  28. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @Hoots: Thanks! I think temping is making me MORE crazy about TTC than normal. Which is a whole lotta crazy

  29. mrs scrapbook

    apricot / 375 posts

    @ValentineMommy: I had a positive opk on Thursday evening this month, and didn't see my spike until Monday. I read it can take up to 48 hours to actually O after the positive opk, and the rise can take a day or two too. You've got an upward trend on your chart, so if it keeps being up, I think it means you O'd! I'm pretty sure it's less about a giant leap, and more about having your post O temps higher than pre O ones (but I'm new to charting too!)

  30. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @mrs scrapbook: Thank you! I hope so! TTC after a loss, well, sucks. Lol I am so anxious about every single sign and whatnot!

  31. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    @hellobeeboston ..It's my first time tracking O. I have a very regular cycle so I assume I ovulate pretty regular but I've also heard when you have PCOS there's times you dont ovulate. I received conflicting information from 2 different doctors so I figured I'd see for myself.

  32. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    Again, thank you ladies for your support! I got a massage yesterday to treat myself and it was lovely. I am ready to try again! Poas is early November.

    @simplyfelicity: @tidybee: I am really pulling for you girls this month, after back to back losses. Sticky baby dust for all of us!

  33. redeyedtreefr0g

    cherry / 141 posts

    This looks fun, I'll cheer you guys on!

  34. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @AMommyThang: Just wanted to make sure you realize that you can't read anything from the lines on the stick part of the ClearBlue digital tests. Even when I got a positive reading, the lines don't "look" like a positive OPK. They don't even out colorwise like Wondfos.

    That said, the month I used OPKs was the month I got my BFP so fingers crossed they work well for you too!

  35. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    @Mrs.Kmm... I didn't know that!.. The only reason I bought these was because I thought I could kill two birds with one stone. I'd be able to find out if I ovulate and when and then I would get a better understanding of what a positive and negative OPK look like. Wondfos next time!

  36. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    I forgot how much of this is waiting...waiting to O, waiting to test, waiting for baby...wait, wait, wait!

    Currently waiting to O. Or some confirmation of it. I really hope this isn't an anovulatory cycle because having good timing all the time when I'm exhausted from crazy parents at school and an almost 11 month old is HARD.

  37. Willow

    apricot / 261 posts

    AF finally arrived, after an odd 36 day cycle.

    Congratulations on all BFPs so far and good luck to the rest of you!

  38. redeyedtreefr0g

    cherry / 141 posts

    Sorry Willow Good luck next month!

  39. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @Willow: Good luck next cycle!

  40. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    BFP's!!!! : eko! mrs.kmm! jess1483! tarheelbee! desertdreams88!

    POAS Dates :

    TBD: Hoots, jaguar, tam

    10/8: hellobeeboston, jone0603
    10/9: lalalove
    10/10: ballerinabee
    10/11: abmamma
    10/15: bluemasonjar
    10/16: mrs scrapbook
    10/19: mrs. j. mrs_cc
    10/20: northstar, valentinemommy, ashleyf21, qbbride
    10/21: amommythang
    10/22: travellingbee, mrsstar
    10/23: chaosmaven, simplyfelicity, jennyg
    10/25: eleanorrigby
    10/26: mrsads
    10/27: tidybee
    10/30: runnergirl
    10/31: angelachase

    Rollover to November: auggiefrog, worrywart, mrs. microscope, misslace, yogirunner, willow

    Cheerleaders: mrsmccarthy, raspberries, mrschickpea, redeyedtreefrog

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