Have you heard about this? Supposedly the plastic in disposables increases the temperature of the testes might cause infertility later on.

Here's an article about it: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=117939&page=1

It does make sense that cotton diapers are much more breathable than plastic, but I'm not sure an increase in temperature when they're babies can cause infertility later on because there's no sperm to damage/kill right now.

If this IS true, though, would it also hold true for PUL diaper covers? I use cotton fitteds and prefolds, but I have some PUL covers...

Oh, and the 'sposies I use (Naty Babycare) don't have plastic in them. So if you're concerned about this, there are plastic-free disposables out there.

What do you think? Could this be true?