Hellobee Boards


POAS 2020

  1. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    @skiierchck99: those were my questions exactly. I'm an icu nurse, so I'm like, just get more info! What's recovery? Is this the only surgery possible? Just... move forward.

  2. Shybee23

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    Jumping back in after a miscarriage in December. Trying for baby #2. I’m in the two week wait so I’ll try to hold off testing until around 2/22...usually I start obsessively testing a few days early, but this time I feel like I might actually wait. I took the miscarriage really hard and know I’ll probably take it pretty hard if this isn’t our month. Trying to stay positive!

  3. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    @Shybee23: I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I'm hoping this is your month too!

  4. DamnedSpot

    coffee bean / 46 posts

    @Shybee23: I'm sorry about your miscarriage, and I know how it is to feel different about ttc post-miscarriage. Fingers crossed for you, and sending positive thoughts your way

  5. lemonfrombluebell

    pea / 24 posts

    Sooooo. My period is either due today or a day late (ish? I don’t temp so it’s all a guessing game) This is month 14 of trying. I took a test on Saturday, negative. This morning I was like I’ll take another one because I cannot get my hopes up. The first one was easy@home, but looked like an evap even though it was in the window (way too light for what I think days we are). Took another one, another evap. Cursed the brand, swore I’d never buy it again. Took a clear blue easy digital because again, I cannot get my hopes up, I definitely cannot get my husband’s hopes up. We literally just moved money around for IUI/IVF, like that’s where we are. Annnd the first test is positive. So I took another one. Obviously. Because I’m a psycho. And it’s positive too. So I called my doctor and spoke to a nurse and begged for a beta because “I am not emotionally stable enough to handle this.” She’s supposed to call me back. Cool cool cool, I’m a mess. If it’s real, I’m so worried the light lines on the Easy at home indicates a problem. If it’s not real—that’s just mean, man.

  6. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @lemonfrombluebell: that’s exciting! Since you’re not sure on your dates it could just be early. Wishing you all the and patience till you can confirm!

  7. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @lemonfrombluebell: pretty sure something is real to get two kinds of positives! All the this is your sticky baby!!

  8. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @lemonfrombluebell: ack! Double positives has to be real. Post them and we’re happy to reassure you! 😘

  9. DamnedSpot

    coffee bean / 46 posts

    @lemonfrombluebell: wishing hard for you, and this all sounds good, so

  10. Shybee23

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    Thanks all ❤

    @lemonfrombluebell Sending you good vibes!!

  11. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    @lemonfrombluebell: !!!! Did they call back? I'm so excited for you!

  12. lemonfrombluebell

    pea / 24 posts

    Thanks everyone! I really appreciate your kind words! I haven’t heard back from the lab, but the digital was negative this morning and the line test was even more faint. I’m guessing it’s a chemical.

    Luckily, I feel really empowered to handle this because I’ve been reading these boards for years (wahoo stalking pays off).

    Thanks for cheering for me. You guys are the best! I hope I can repay the favor for everyone else (with a better outcome!)

  13. LiliBillie

    cherry / 105 posts

    Hi Everyone. After my month hiatus and semi breakdown. I'm back. I had to test this am because I'm going for my fertility assessment Friday am. This is what I got. Do you see it? I don't know how many dpo I am because I took this month to focus on being OK but I know my period is due Friday. Indent? I'm really not sure and don't want to get excited at all. Help! Should I retest tonight?

    This is morning urine, after 2-3 mins.

  14. lemonfrombluebell

    pea / 24 posts

    @LiliBillie: I see it!!!!

  15. LiliBillie

    cherry / 105 posts

    @lemonfrombluebell: Thank you. My issue is I don't see any color in it. And of course it is my only FRER at home. With my daughter- 6 years ago- it was faint but definitely with color. Here I'm scratching my head..

  16. LiliBillie

    cherry / 105 posts

    Im speechless. This is a FRER digital.
    Whoa.. please tell me I can get excited!!!

  17. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    @LiliBillie: that's exciting!

  18. DamnedSpot

    coffee bean / 46 posts

    @LiliBillie: I think you can be excited!!! Congratulations

  19. LiliBillie

    cherry / 105 posts

    @MoonMoon: @DamnedSpot: thank you ladies. I’m excited, scared and relieved. I still haven’t told hubby which I’m so so excited about since it’s his birthday tonight. Love to everyone and baby dust

  20. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @LiliBillie: Ahhh how lovely! Definitely let us know how it goes delivering his birthday news. Congrats! 👏👏👏

  21. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    Wow, you have been so busy here! I just finished a three day intense training at work and today my schedule is back to normal.

    Thank you all for commiserating on the topic of my postponed FET, I'm not happy about it, but it's for the best. I hope March is a happy month for all of us so we can have a due date board! Preferably with more than one member, it might get lonely.

    @MoonMoon: It's good you finally have a diagnosis of some kind, it's a way forward. I hope your other half can get over his fear so you can keep going.

    @Shybee23: Welcome! I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and hope you get a BFP soon.

    @lemonfrombluebell: I'm sorry there wasn't a happier outcome. Sending love!

    @LiliBillie: Looks positive to me! Congratulations! Can't wait to hear the story of the birthday news! Let me know when I can mark your BFP on the board.

  22. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    ❄️January 2020 POAS❄
    • 10 Jan - raspberries
    • 16 Jan - LiliBillie
    • 24 Jan - MoonMoon

    💝February 2020 POAS💝
    • 4 Feb - lemonfrombluebell
    • 8 Feb - chypmunk
    • 13 Feb - ScarletBegonia
    • 14 Feb - MoonMoon
    • 15 Feb - raspberries
    • 22 Feb - Shybee23

    ☘️March 2020 POAS☘️
    • 14 - DamnedSpot

    • TBD - paranundrum

    💕Our wonderful cheerleaders💕

  23. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @chypmunk: Hey, how are you doing?

  24. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @ScarletBegonia: Hi, it's your POAS date! How are you feeling?

  25. LiliBillie

    cherry / 105 posts

    Hi ladies. I started spotting today and went to my OB. Hes taking blood work but isn’t very confident because of how low my hcg levels are. Even though I saw a yes, it’s on a 6.5 miu one...
    Nurse very nicely told me to prepare myself for a chemical. I’ll keep you all updated

  26. chypmunk

    cherry / 239 posts

    @paranundrum: I’m over here quietly trying not to jinx myself.... my lines are darker, but I don’t want to get caught off guard again.... I made my Ob appt, if I last til then I think I’ll be in a better place

  27. chypmunk

    cherry / 239 posts

    @LiliBillie: I’m so sorry! I was there last month and it’s sucks...

  28. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @LiliBillie: I'm so sorry, that's just cruel... I hope it's just a slow riser and you'll still get happy news in the end.

    @chypmunk: Hang in there! It must be difficult to find the balance between trying to be positive and hopeful but still guarded. I'll be hopeful and happy for you until you can do it yourself.

  29. DamnedSpot

    coffee bean / 46 posts

    @LiliBillie: I’m so sad to read this ((hugs))

    @chypmunk: thinking of you

  30. LiliBillie

    cherry / 105 posts

    @DamnedSpot: i got my blood result back after a day of bleeding. I’m at 29 hcg and progesterone at 11. If I’m 60 by tomorrow am I may be okay.
    Send me all the good vibes please 😔

    Tonight I took a test to see and here it is. I’d like to think that means I’m higher than 29 already?
    Love to all.

  31. Shybee23

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    Sending you so many good vibes!! Hang in there.

  32. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @LiliBillie: I don’t know much about blue tests but sending you allllll the sticky vibes!!

  33. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @LiliBillie: just looking at that CB test I’d agree with you... where’s @kaohinani when we need her POAS expertise!

  34. LiliBillie

    cherry / 105 posts

    @Shybee23: @bhbee: @yellowbeach: thank you so much. I’ll keep updating. At this point I have no clue what’s going on. I definitely bleed throughout the day some very dark blood
    Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you ❤

  35. DamnedSpot

    coffee bean / 46 posts

    @LiliBillie: what a roller coaster, I’m thinking of you this morning, hoping for all the good things

  36. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    Signing on as a cheerleader and to say I got a positive this cycle! I don’t know if you all remember me, but I took a few months off the boards because it was just too much. We’ve been trying since last April and I should be 4 weeks today!

    2/12 HCG 28 Prog 14.5
    2/14 HCG 89 Prog 16.7

    Doing another beta on Monday and then I think I’ll stop until my dating ultrasound in a few weeks. And for your POAS pleasure I’ve included my 9 DPO sticks! EDD 10/24/20 💕 One week before DD’s 6th Birthday!

  37. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @LiliBillie: I just wanted to say that I bled throughout my first trimester with my daughter due to a subchorionic hemorrhage and super friable cervix. It was terrifying and sometimes heavy. Pink to dark red to brown. Now she is a healthy, extremely intelligent 5 year old❣️ Hoping the same for you!

  38. LiliBillie

    cherry / 105 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: thank you 🙏 I also have a 5 year old the bleeding was only on the day of missed period... I’ll keep you all updated.

  39. LiliBillie

    cherry / 105 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: oooo this makes me feel better that your HSG is same as mine. Hope to have your results tomorrow

  40. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @LiliBillie: I wish I had a picture from the 12th when I was at 29! I definitely took a test but I decided not to take pictures and make myself insane. I just did this right now and my period is due today, 15 DPO. Not crazy dark and I’m at at least 120 if we’re still doubling!

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