Hellobee Boards


POAS 2020

  1. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Hey ladies. Just wanted to chime in and say I’m thinking about everyone, especially those like @paranundrum who are facing potential cancellation of their assisted fertility procedures. As if TTc isn’t hard enough.

    For everyone else, I hope this time at home somehow turns into a better opportunity for BDing and family time in general. That seems to be what’s happening for the other families on our block.

    AFM, I’m still fighting this fight every day at work, and right now feel like I am in my own weird Covid version of POAS as I’m finally starting to get approval to test patients. Right now I have a very concerning case and expecting results this afternoon from the Dept of Health. Hoping in this case for a BFN.

  2. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @yellowbeach: You are the real superhero! 🦸
    I hope that test comes back negative.

  3. Shybee23

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    Sending love and warm thoughts to everyone who hasn’t gotten good news these past few weeks ❤️ and congrats to those who have. Hope everyone is hanging in there with this coronavirus insanity. I’ve been staying away from the boards for a bit trying to stay distracted until my first appointment. I called the other day and as of now, no changes to existing appointments so fingers crossed we’ll get a look at the baby on Friday and maybe then I’ll feel like I can exhale for the first time in a few weeks.

  4. DamnedSpot

    coffee bean / 46 posts

    @MoonMoon @raspberries: thanks ladies

    @paranundrum: Have you heard from the hospital yet? I'm sorry for a delay again.

    @yellowbeach: I am grateful for your work, and the work of all our health professionals, during this craziness. Take care of yourself, and thanks for checking in!

    @Shybee23: for Friday!

    AFM, hcg came back lower (49) so OB is officially calling it a miscarriage, and now they just want to make sure it makes it to zero. I redraw hcg on Monday. Over the weekend, I would say I had what is a normal period (normal for me). Wondering if I'll have another period when it makes it to zero?

    We are still going to see MFM next Monday, and we'll talk about Lupus & thyroid considerations moving forward. I anticipate waiting a few cycles, rheumatologist and endocrinologist want numbers to move in the right direction before we try again. Fingers crossed that happens quickly Going to enjoy extra time with my kids & DH in the meantime!

  5. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Welp - my patient got his BFP , and I'm now home and out of work until Monday. This is scary stuff.

  6. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @DamnedSpot: I’m sorry to read your news. I hope the progress with the oncologist and rheumatologist helps with the next cycle when you do start up with ttc!

  7. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    @DamnedSpot: I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I hope time with your DH and life is restorative for you and you find the right therapies to get you where you need to be to ttc. Hugs! You've been through a lot on the last few weeks!

    @Shybee23: excited for your appointment on Friday! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

    @paranundrum: did you hear back about your transfer? Did they decide to delay?

    @yellowbeach: ok that is the worst BFP ever, I'm sorry! Our hospital just got its first s too so no more visitors. I'm not on the floor where they're cohorting all the positive and rule out cases, but dang it I wish I didn't have to be at the hospital at all. Ugh.

  8. laurelew

    pea / 14 posts

    I wanted to chime in as a long time lurker! Sorry in advance for the long post. My husband and I have been TTC for approx 2 years now. I am 35 and my husband is 36. This would be our first pregnancy/baby.

    Our first fertility appt was in early Nov 2018. We thought the problem might just be on his end but after testing, my numbers were just below where they should have been. We have done approx 4-5 IUIs and tried one IVF cycle but I did not have enough mature eggs for us to move forward with the retrieval so we converted that cycle to an IUI. None of those treatments succeeded in a BFP.

    After a short break from trying we made the decision in December 2019 to move forward with an egg donor. My clinic recruits all of the donors and coordinates their care. You had an option of selecting to obtain 10 eggs or all of the eggs. We opted for all of the eggs.

    Donor's egg retrieval was last month. We got 23 eggs(!) and ultimately 5 good embryos. All of my life I have been hoping to have a daughter so I was VERY bummed when 4 out of the 5 embryos were male but I'm becoming more resigned to the possibility of being a boy mom.

    We had the first embryo transfer today (sooo crazy and surreal with all of the C19 news at the moment). We opted to transfer the female embryo first. My POAS/pregnancy blood test will be on Mar 26 (I have one other blood test on Mar 20 before then to check on my other hormone levels). Please add me to the list and keep your fingers and toes crossed for me. We also lost my mom on Jan 24 of this year after a long battle with brain cancer so I could really use something to work in my favor right about now.

  9. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @laurelew: Welcome! I’m a cheerleader these days as I’m 26w pregnant after a long slew of losses over the last few years. Your story is so amazing that I wanted to jump on and say welcome and I’m totally rooting for you this cycle!!!!

  10. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    @laurelew: I'm a cheerleader to and I want to welcome you! I'm sorry you guys have had such a long road, but I'm very excited about a possible pregnancy confirmed in just a couple of weeks!

    Also I also always fantasized about having a daughter but I fell so in love with my son! There's nothing like it. Now with this pregnancy I think I'm hoping for another boy!

  11. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @yellowbeach: Oh no! There's only five days until Monday, will that be enough? Will you be tested at one point too?

    @DamnedSpot: @MoonMoon: The times are so turbulent, not sure of anything right now. I'll let you know when I have any solid information.

    @laurelew: Welcome! I hope you can move on to a due date board really soon! I'll add you to the board.

  12. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    ❄️January 2020 POAS❄
    • 10 Jan - raspberries
    • 16 Jan - LiliBillie
    • 24 Jan - MoonMoon

    💝February 2020 POAS💝
    • 4 Feb - lemonfrombluebell
    • 8 Feb - chypmunk
    • 13 Feb - ScarletBegonia
    • 14 Feb - MoonMoon
    • 15 Feb - raspberries
    • 22 Feb - Shybee23
    • Drop in BFP - Mrs.Panda

    ☘️March 2020 POAS☘️
    • 14 March - DamnedSpot
    • 26 March - laurelew

    🌷April 2020 POAS🌷
    • 4 April - breakouttheicecream
    • TBD - raspberries

    💕Our wonderful cheerleaders💕

  13. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @laurelew: I’m also a cheerleader and a fellow IVF warrior. Definitely rooting for you!

  14. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @Shybee23: Great to hear you can still go on Friday. Let us know how it goes, I can't wait adding your BFP to the board!

    @DamnedSpot: I'm sorry to hear your news. Hoping for better news from your MFM appointment.

  15. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    No transfer.

    I got a text message yesterday telling patients not to come to appointments and that the doctor will call during the time of their appointment.

    I called to ask about meds and everything and they said they still do embryo transfers and I should still come in.

    I just got another phone call and they have new instructions, they have to cancel all procedures. They'll start working again on May 11th (if things get better by that time) and I'll have to make another appointment and start over.

    I saw it coming, but I'm still so disappointed and sad.
    I'll see how I cope with another two months of delay, but I might have to take a step back from the boards for a bit.

    I hope everyone else gets some happier news soon.

  16. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @paranundrum: so sorry. Sending hugs ❤

  17. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @paranundrum: biggest hugs to you, that is so tough

  18. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    @paranundrum: so frustrating I'm so sorry!

  19. Shybee23

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    I’m so sorry - that must be so frustrating, even if you did see it coming. And what a roller coaster, with the conflicting phone calls! Hang in there, sending you good vibes and hoping time passes quickly until May ❤

  20. laurelew

    pea / 14 posts

    @mrsjbeeg, @moonmoon, @yellowbeach, @paranundrum: Thank you for the warm welcome!

    @paranumdrum: I am so sorry to hear about your transfer for this week being cancelled. I have conflicted feelings about having mine happen according to schedule. With everything going on in the world right now, it might not be the worst thing to wait until there is less uncertainty to proceed. I have a lot of friends who are major worriers who seemed very skeptical of my clinic still going ahead with the transfer this week. I just hope that I have made the right decision in having gone through with mine and that I haven't just wasted one of my "chances."

  21. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @paranundrum: As a fellow IVFer, I totally feel for you. Ugh. Gut punch yet again. As a doctor, not sure if it gives you ANY solace, but I absolutely think the REI Societies are making the right call. No one knows. Especially 1st trimester effects, if this virus will have detrimental effects on you or the fetus. It all just sucks though.

  22. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @laurelew: Welcome! So hoping everything works out for you!!

    @paranundrum: Ugh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Sending you strength and love.

    I'm not really sure what to do - I'm supposed to be going in for an ultrasound when I get a positive OPK, both to check for cysts and to confirm ovulation. I suppose I'll call my doctor when I get a positive OPK and see if they think it's okay to come in? I might ovulate at any time between next Thursday and the third week of April, so I'm just sitting tight for now.

  23. laurelew

    pea / 14 posts

    @raspberries: It's so hard to know what to do right now. My clinic sent out an e-mail and has information available on their website with COVID-19 updates and what they are doing to protect their patients and their staff. It's also difficult to predict how businesses might be operating differently next week as compared to this week.

    My fertility clinic is not currently planning any office closures or cancellations of treatment cycles at this time. While I decided to continue moving forward, I also don't think that anyone would be remiss to take a step back right now before continuing to proceed. Listen to your gut and do what feels right to you and best for you and your family.

    Sending everyone who is trying to conceive in the midst of this crisis a lot of love.

  24. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    @yellowbeach: this kills me, as I have a fairly high chance of being exposed in the next few weeks

  25. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    Those of us that are left - how are you doing/feeling?

    I had a call with my doctor yesterday - the ultrasound is cancelled since it's non-emergency, and we're skipping straight to Clomid. So at least TTC won't be put on hold for us, but man it feels weird to TTC when the world is the way it is right now.

  26. laurelew

    pea / 14 posts

    @raspberries: TTC right now is so weird! I wish you much luck with the Clomid this month.

    I'm currently in my TWW after a FET on 3/16 and it's been torture. My husband and I are both working from home. As someone who is currently child free and whose work has been pretty light the past week (whereas my husband's has been pretty steady, so much so that he's even been putting in overtime hours), this scenario has been pretty hard on my mental health -- too much time to wonder and dwell on everything.

    I am 90% positive this month is not my month. I've been consistently mildly crampy all day yesterday and so far all day today. I did try an at home test yesterday morning and it was super negative (although I don't find that as telling as the mild cramps since they say you can get false negatives after FETs). I have my beta test scheduled for tomorrow morning.

    It's just been super discouraging that nothing has worked for me so far in spite of all of the time, money, and emotional costs that I have invested. This was also my only shot at having a girl baby.

  27. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @laurelew: Thank you! I'm already too far into this cycle, but we picked up the prescription so I'll be able to start it at the beginning of my next cycle (my doctor kept saying, "if it's even necessary!" which like, I get it, he's trying to be optimistic, but I haven't been in a very optimistic mood lately so it was just annoying.)

    That being said, I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. It took us about a year to conceive my first son, and I completely empathize with you - two week waits are the absolute worst when you don't have anything to distract you. Or in this case, there's plenty to distract you, but it's all absolutely awful and not at all helpful.

    Crossing all my fingers and toes you have a positive beta tomorrow!

  28. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @laurelew: I know you know yourself and probably know how you feel in your cycles. But I did want to post that I had mild cramping right before one of my pregnancies to the point I counted myself out and took Motrin for it. And then found out I was pregnant just a few days later when AF was late. So I wouldn’t lose hope until the beta rules it out completely or AF actually shows - that’s just my two cents. Keeping fingers crossed for you this cycle!!!!!

  29. laurelew

    pea / 14 posts

    @raspberries: I totally feel you on the optimism. I know that everyone means well, but when you're in the midst of TTC, it's not always helpful or what you want to hear.

    @mrsjbeeg: Thank you for the encouragement! Whichever way it goes I should know something by this time tomorrow so yes, fingers crossed.

  30. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @laurelew: Hope you get some good news this morning

  31. laurelew

    pea / 14 posts

    Not pregnant.

  32. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @laurelew: So so sorry 💔

  33. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @laurelew: I’m sorry to see your update.

  34. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    Hey ladies, what a weird time we’re in.

    I saw our babe on ultrasound this morning, measuring at 9w6d, which is one day ahead of my original calculation, so pretty spot on. I am strong my new job on Monday and I am very hesitant about everything going on. Do I tell my new employer? Because I don’t want to be put on the COVID-19 testing team and I’d rather work from home at this point doing telemedicine. I don’t know what to do!

  35. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @laurelew: so sorry 😞

  36. laurelew

    pea / 14 posts

    @mrs.panda: Congratulations on getting to see your LO on the ultrasound.

    If I were in your shoes, I would tell your new employer. In the midst of this pandemic, I feel like all of the usual rules of etiquette regarding when to reveal information have gone out the window. I found myself telling my boss and a few colleagues about my FET in advance because it came at a time when my employer was allowing people to work from home by exception only (now everyone is at home since our state is shut down). Ordinarily I am much more private and would have preferred to keep that information to myself.

    In my experience, people are generally kind and good, especially right now. I'm sure your new employer will be understanding as well. Best of luck with everything! Let us know how it goes.

  37. Shybee23

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    @laurelew: So sorry to hear this. Thinking of you

    @mrs.panda: That’s great you had a good ultrasound! I feel you on being torn about when to tell work. With DS1 I didn’t tell work until 16+ weeks but I feel like this time around I’ll end up sharing much earlier due to so many logistical issues. Is there a particular person you could tell that could manage your assignments and WFH situation, rather than sharing widely?

  38. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @Shybee23: I will be meeting with my manager for the first time on Tuesday, so I’m not sure what will be available to me. I hope they can provide me a telemedicine option.

  39. DamnedSpot

    coffee bean / 46 posts

    Hey ladies, I'm sorry I just dropped off around here, but I know you'll understand. This sh** is hard. I'm still going to keep my distance, I'm just trying to fix my head space, take care of my kids, work from home, etc. Like we all are I just have to step away for a bit. I think of you all, and I hope for good things for everyone

  40. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    @DamnedSpot: hugs

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