Alright, it's about that time... here is a short list that we've settled on for names for our baby girl! (why do I still have a sneaking suspicion that it's actually a boy?? dangit.)

Lucille (Lucy)
Rosalind (Rosie)

We just like Lydia and Lucy, and Rosalind came about because this baby is a Black Dragon baby, and "Linda" means Dragon. I don't really like the name Linda paired with our last name, and came up with this variation because I do like the name Rosie!

My parents have picked a Korean name, which will be her middle name, and it starts with a Y. The name means Pearl, which is so cool (especially because according to my dad, Dragons are sometimes pictured with a marble or pearl in their mouth?) but I don't like the name Pearl so that's not an option.

We do have two more names that we're TOTALLY undecided about (do we love them or do we hate them??) so we're keeping those in our back pocket, much like we did with our son's name. (Our list was Dean, Jamie, and Noel and we ended up naming him Robert Jr.)

Oh, and Wagon Sr. is still determined that he will just "come up" with the perfect name and he'll know it as soon as he thinks of it. Problem is, all he has come up with on his own so far are Greek names like Calliope, Psyche, and Demeter. I'm not going to say anything... you know what they say, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. (I'll just say this... we're Korean!! a very Greek name like that would just be... weird. Especially paired with our son's very traditional English name!)