I'm 19 weeks today and the last few weeks I've had spots I. My vision. I googled it and found it was normal and it wasn't happening much so I didn't worry about it. The past week I noticed it more and finally called the doctors office. The nurse asked me about other symptoms like headaches that won't go away with Tylenol or pain on the right side under my ribs. She said that because I didn't have any other symptoms and low BP the last time I was in that she wasn't worried but to mention it to my dr at my upcoming Tuesday appointment, but she made it clear that should I have any other symptoms to go to labor and delivery for monitoring. Well today I have some pain on the right side under my ribs intermittently but no spots in my vision. I'm trying to not freak out and go in when it's possibly just gas but I'm worried I'm not taking this seriously enough, what do you all think?