persimmon / 1085 posts
@mrswin: I did read that last week-that IVF causes higher likelihood of placenta accreta. But the main cause is major uterine surgeries (which I've had two). The perinatologist just looked at the ultrasound and pointed to the scar tissue and my anterior placenta and said it is not a good location, however, at this point I don't have it. So now we wait to see! If I do develop it, they will probably do more testing? I don't know. I have no idea really! I never heard of a placenta study. That's interesting! Let me know how that goes and what it entails. Fingers crossed for your results this week!!
persimmon / 1085 posts
@mrswin: Thinking good thoughts and hope everything is well with your little one!!!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@Jenn23: Sorry, I meant to reply to you but last week got away from me completely. All that they did at the placenta study was spend about 30 minutes taking photos of the placenta from all angles as well as a blood flow study to make sure all areas of the placenta were functioning and that it was symmetrical. She also checked cervical length and some additional detailed shots of the umbilical cord.
I got my results last week and it came back negative (Verifi) so I think we are passed that hurdle at this point. However, I have been MIA because I was laid up all weekend with what turned out the be a UTI
persimmon / 1085 posts
@mrswin: That's great the results were negative!! Sorry about the UTI. Hope the pain is better!! Sounds like the placenta is good then? That's good. I will be sure to ask at the next ultrasound in early January about having a detailed placenta exam like you did.
kiwi / 636 posts
@mrswin: great news about the verifi test! But boo to the UTI!
We had a lovely anatomy scan & she was so wiggly! I'm excited she's healthy but a little scared since I've always imagined having a son. But I've been joking with family that she's definitely a little lady since she would not show us her lady bits in the beginning of the scan. DH & I have also agreed on a name for her which we only shared with family. A part of me now wishes we didn't share quite yet as a family friend texted to congratulate me on our little girl. I think FIL was super excited & shared the news at church. But I was hoping to be the one to share the news. Has anyone else had that happen to them? Where someone else shared your news before you even got to share, whether it's gender reveal or even pregnancy?
Also, on another note, because she was moving so much, I get to go in for another ultrasound because the tech didn't get very clear shots of everything & dr wants more shots. The OB emailed to say baby is normal but they needed me to come in to get clearer photos. Has anyone had that happen to them?
eggplant / 11861 posts
@lazypanda: Awwww yay!!!!!! Yes, we had to back because they couldn't get a clear pic of the left chamber of her heart!!!! All was just fine
Congrats on your baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@lazypanda: We also had to go back for additional pictures of the heart since baby did not want to cooperate for the tech (facing the wrong way)
kiwi / 636 posts
@FaithFertility: thank you! How are you doing? How's your baby girl? or are you past your due date now?
@mrswin: I'm glad everything was fine for your second scan. My LO had no problem flashing her butt but wouldn't turn head up, more like side profile surfing most of the time. Super wiggly so I definitely did not imagine all her movements.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@lazypanda: I am 40weeks 1 day but at Dr today I am 3cm and 80% effaced hopefully soon , if notget induced Sat!!!!!!!! fet
nectarine / 2433 posts
@FaithFertility: I have been stalking you on the December labour thread to see if your little girl has arrived yet. I hope she doesn't make you wait until Saturday
@lazypanda: BTW, congrats on finding out that it is a little girl! Our LO was facing my spine for the majority of my AS and then was on its side for a little while but would not turn face up for the tech! Much more cooperative the second time around
kiwi / 636 posts
@FaithFertility: exciting! You'll have a baby at Christmas! Or are you at the point where you're ready for her to be out already?
@mrswin: thanks! Haha, that's how my LO was. I didn't get a clear pic of her face cuz I wanted to see some of the features but she wouldn't cooperate. DH says he thinks the sonographer seemed impatient but he likes that we get to see her again.
persimmon / 1316 posts
@Jenn23: so hoping everything goes well and you don't end up with placenta acreta!!
@mrswin: what awesome news that your results were negative! Must have been a huge relief.
@lazypanda: congrats on the baby girl!!! We have made it so so clear not to say anything to all our family and friends if there is news we aren't sharing publicly quite yet. I know how excited family gets. And I am just taking noted of who has been bad at the secret keeping and will not be getting too secret updated with my next child haha
. @FaithFertility: eeeekkkk!!! So exciting!! How are you feeling?
AFM, nothing new, loving that the last few weeks have been flying by and that I am getting closer to my next big milestone of 24 weeks.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@lazypanda: ughhh we are soooo ready
@Mrs.Pinecone316: I have a cold....bummer, but other than that fine. just anxious to get this show on the road!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@lazypanda: Our first US tech was impatient and seemed annoyed that I couldn't get the baby to roll over The second lady seemed much more experienced and got what she needed very quickly
@Mrs.Pinecone316: It was a relief, I am looking forward to hopefully a low stress rest of this pregnancy and I agree with you the last couple of weeks have flown by!
kiwi / 636 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: thank you! And woohoo for getting closer to the next milestone!
@mrswin: yay! I'm hoping my second ultrasound turns out like yours!
eggplant / 11861 posts
Wanted to share
Giuliani Grace 12/17
8lbs 7 ounces
21 1/2 inches long
She is perfect! Can't wait to see more babes!!!!
God Bless!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@FaithFertility: She's beautiful! Congratulations! Welcome to the no sleep club.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@marionberry: hahhaha I was definitely inducted last night
But is there such a thing as a new mom high/adfenaline?
I am not tired. I'm sure that will drift off!
pomelo / 5000 posts
@FaithFertility: hooray! So happy to see that sweet picture. Congratulations and blessings to you!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@FaithFertility: Yep. The first few days are like that. Then enough sleep deprivation kicks in. The first month is hard but it gets better quickly. I'm dreading my first month with the twins.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@FaithFertility: Congrats! She is so cute. I hope you are feeling good too
persimmon / 1316 posts
@FaithFertility: Awwwww Beautiful! Congrats and thanks for sharing. Hope you are doing well and enjoy your first Christmas together.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
Hello ladies!
I finally feel like I can join you all on here!
Currently: 9weeks 6days
EDD: 8/13
How did you finally get your BFP? IVF FET
Any previous children? Nope.
Do you know your babies gender yet? Hopefully in a couple of weeks after early screening!
Are you more excited at this point or still fearful? Feeling excited, because I just had a great ultrasound. But I can't wait to be out of the first tri!
Love to you all!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@FliegepilzHut: What a cutie! That's a really up close what I like to call "gummy bear shot". You're lucky to have one so detailed. So happy to have you joining us here!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@marionberry: Thanks! DH and I are definitely referring to LO as a gummy bear at this point! Already feeling quite attached. Remind me, when are your twins due?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@FliegepilzHut: I'm officially due April 11 but we schedule my c-section next visit for sometime around late March. If I am average they'll come around mid-March though.
persimmon / 1316 posts
@FliegepilzHut: Love that you are here! Makes me so happy. What an adorable u/s. Congrats!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@marionberry: Gosh that seems soon! Hope you're feeling well!
@Mrs.Pinecone316: Thanks! I was pulling my punches there for a few weeks... Maybe I'll join my Due Date thread next! So good to see you again!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@marionberry: Wow, I can't believe how close mid-March seems now! How are you feeling?
@Mrs.Pinecone316: How are you feeling, we are pretty much due date twins
@FliegepilzHut: Welcome! I am SOOOOOO glad you are officially part of our group
@lazypanda: How did your second ultrasound go?
@FaithFertility: How are things going? I'm sure G is keeping you busy
@Happygal: You must be getting close to your due date now!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@FliegepilzHut: @mrswin: Surprisingly feeling pretty well. Slight pain where my old c-section scar is and some discomfort while sleeping but otherwise great! Thanks for asking.
persimmon / 1316 posts
@mrswin: I am feeling pretty good! Just loving all the baby movement. I passed my glucose screen this week and have my next u/s next week. I haven't seen her since week 20, it is crazy to think it will have been 2 months since my anatomy scan. Just hoping all is still good and her growth is fine. How about you?
@marionberry: So glad you are feeling well! Mid march, eeeekkk so exciting!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: I have my scan next week too! It's going to be super fun to get to see our babies! And I think I'm more scared that it's going to be here soon more than excited. Three kids under 2 is going to be nuts!
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