Hellobee Boards


Pregnancy after Infertility Check in!

  1. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @mrswin: my second u/s went well, though she was still pretty stubborn, it took over an hour for the tech to finally move her to a clearer position.

    @FliegepilzHut: congrats again! Woohoo for your little !

    I've been away from the boards a bit but have been reading up once in awhile. Preggo symptoms are still at a minimal, nothing I'd complain about since I am thrilled to be experiencing all the quirks. For all the ladies that did give birth already, is there a particular nursing bra/camisole that you would recommend?

  2. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Mrs.Pinecone316: Sorry, I never replied to your last message. I'm generally feeling good, the baby has been moving around a ton lately. We had our first prenatal class on Monday and are just prepping to move at the beginning of March.

    @lazypanda: She was being bashful I guess. I'm glad they got all of the pictures they needed!

  3. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    Hey Ladies hope all is well!!!!
    We are doing amazing over here at almost 2 months on the 17th Giuliana is growing like a weed and well we think pretty advanced We get smiles every day, let me tell you those are better than anything I have ever experienced in my life!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for you ladies to hold your miracles... God sure does provide!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here she is ....My Little Love Bug!!!!

  4. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @mrswin: Thanks for checking in she sure does keep me busy, but she is such a good BABY! How are. You???

    @lazypanda: Love the picture of your baby

    Congrats to any new soon to be mamas!!!!!

  5. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @FaithFertility: She is so precious! I love her name! I feel like your whole pregnancy flew by. I can't believe she's almost 2 months!

  6. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @mrswin: yay for lots of movements! Haha, she's bashful to show her heart & lady parts but not shy to moon the tech. She's very active, particularly at 2:30 am for me! Morning & afternoons, she's sleeping, possibly being lulled to sleep by my constant walking during the day.

    @FaithFertility: adorable! That quilt/bedspread is so cute too!

  7. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @twodoghouse: I feel the same I still at times can't believe she is here!!!

    @lazypanda: Aww thanks it was made for her From a friend it is a quilt

  8. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    Ahhh!!! I can officially join this thread!!!

    So stupid me I wrote 2/14/15 and today is 2/4/15. Got a bit too happy when writing it.

  9. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    @bluestriped bee: congrats congrats!!!!!!!

  10. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @bluestriped bee: omg!! so happy for you!!

  11. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @bluestriped bee: that is AWESOME!!!!!

  12. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    @mrswin: How did you like your prenatal class? We have a couple birthing classes next month. Do you feel like time is flying? I can't believe in just a couple months our babies will be here. So exciting( and scary!) That is tough you gotta move so far along in your pregnancy but I am sure it is for the best.

    @FaithFertility: 2 months already?? Where has the time gone! She is so precious, so happy you are loving being a mommy!

    @bluestriped bee: So happy for you! When will your due date be?

  13. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @chopsuey: @sorrycharlie: @Anya: thank you!

    @Mrs.Pinecone316: thank you! Based off my transfer date. EDD will be Oct 16th!

  14. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @bluestriped bee: OMG congrats!!

  15. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @blackbird: Thank you!

  16. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Mrs.Pinecone316: The prenatal class seems to be ok so far. It is taught by a post partum nurse at the hospital I will be delivering at so she is able to tell us what to expect at our hospital as opposed to just generally. I don't know if I learned much new information but it was good for my SO to hear the information from someone other than me

    I agree with you, this pregnancy has gone by soooo fast it is crazy to think that there are only 10 weeks left at this point!

    When we move I will be 34 weeks which is not ideal but we are not moving very far, just upgrading from a 650sf condo to a 1,750sf townhouse!

  17. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @FaithFertility: What a cutie! I'm doing very well

    @lazypanda: Yeah my LO sleeps for most of the day and then likes to have a full on dance party later in the evenings!

    @bluestriped bee: Yay! So happy to have you join us here!

  18. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    I am just seeing this thread since I got my .


    -October 6

    How did you finally get your BFP?
    -FET with donor embryos

    Any previous children?
    -This will be my first

    Do you know your babies gender yet?
    -Not yet. I don't even know if one or two stuck.

    Are you more excited at this point or still fearful?
    -I go back and forth. I'll be more excited after my first ultrasound in a couple weeks. I'll be much less anxious after the first trimester.

  19. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @bluestriped bee: OMG OMG!!!! I am so happy for you!

  20. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Leialou: Yay! Welcome, I'm excited for your first ultrasound to know how many are in there! How are you feeling?

  21. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @bluestriped bee: OMG looks like I picked a GREAT day to check in on this thread!!!!!!!!!!!
    Major Congratulations to you!!!!!
    Many Many Prayers for a healthy and happy 9 months!!!!
    I will be checking in

    @Leialou: YAhoo!!!! Congrats you too! I am so excited to see you on here! Many Prayers for you and your pregnancy!

    I am so happy to see so many!!!!

  22. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @FaithFertility: Your little one looks so cute!!!
    @bluestriped bee: OMG so happy for you!!! That's a really strong FRER!
    @mrswin: Take it easy when you move. I thought moving while pregnant was no big deal until the next day after moving I couldn't even walk.
    @Leialou: They're making you wait a couple of weeks before your first ultrasound?! Do your betas seem like twins thus far?

  23. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @mrswin: thank you! I'm feeling pretty good. My symptoms are pretty mild.

    @FaithFertility: thanks!

    @marionberry: my RE wants the ultrasound when I'm in my sixth week. He said the later in the week the better, so with the weekend I had to schedule it for 6w6d. My betas were high enough for 2 but also in the normal range for 1.

  24. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Leialou: Well I'm so excited to hear what your ultrasound shows!

  25. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @Leialou: @bluestriped bee: Congratulations!!!! So exciting!!! I hope your symptoms are easy on you.

    Speaking of which, a friend of mine noticed that women who struggled with IF or took a long time TTCing tend to have easier pregnancies, and women who got lucky the first cycle had terrible pregnancy symptoms. This was true for me - 2.5 years TTC and a super easy pregnancy. What do you guys think?

  26. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @ineebee: My accupunturist said the same thing. Well, she said people who went through IVF had easier pregnancies... at least, from her clients.

    @marionberry: @FaithFertility: @ineebee: Thank you!

    So beta today at 7dp5dt was 213!! Just checked out the betabase website and it's kinda scary because I'm exceeding the triplets number. How many babies do I have in there?!?!

    ETA: Ok, nevermind, I'm in the range for a singleton, twins and triplets. I was looking at just the average.

  27. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @ineebee: took us 3 yrs .....pregnancy was super easy

  28. macintosh

    pear / 1750 posts

    @bluestriped bee: OMG! Yaaaaaaaaay! So happy for you

  29. macintosh

    pear / 1750 posts

    @Leialou: I can't wait to see if it's 1 or 2. Hope your U/S looks great

  30. macintosh

    pear / 1750 posts

    @ineebee: Not true for me. I had bad MS and the nausea still comes back from time to time. I was lucky in that my first treatment, a fresh IVF cycle, was successful, but it was a long time coming.

    I haven't checked in on this thread in forever. I'll be 27 weeks tomorrow!

  31. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @ineebee: I've had very easy pregnancies both times.
    @bluestripedbee: Probably multiples!

  32. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @FaithFertility: awww shes so beautiful! i remember when u first checked in and now u have such a beautiful baby!

    @ineebee: true for me. my twin pregnancy went pretty smoothly. i did have horrible ms, but i didnt have any complications and it was a relatively easy pregnancy. with my next pregnancy, i was nauseous pretty much the entire time. but still, relatively easy pregnancy w no complications.

  33. MrsTal

    clementine / 901 posts

    I haven't checked in here in forever! Love seeing all the new additions!

    @FaithFertility: she is so precious and growing like a weed!

    @bluestriped bee: congratulations!!! So, so happy for you!!!

    @Leialou: I'm so excited to see this! So happy for you and can't wait to see how many are in there!

    As for me I'm due on Saturday (eeeek!) but little guy is pretty stubborn and refuses to drop. I'm scheduled for induction Monday night. Doc thinks he's not coming out the traditional way but is willing to let me at least try a vaginal birth but he doesn't want me to wait too long since baby boy is measuring 9 lbs and I have puppps (basically the worst hives in the world) that are driving me crazy and won't get better until I deliver.

    @ineebee: I do think I had an easy pregnancy, after trying 2.5 years, no complications, minimal sickness, good blood pressure etc. however, I have had puppps for the last two weeks and that's been sort of hellish.z

  34. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @bluestriped bee: I am sooo happy for you!!

    @Leialou: congrats and prayers for a wonderful ultrasound!!

    I am so delinquent on the bee but happy to see so many familiar names here! Our little dude is 3 weeks

  35. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @FaithFertility: She's SO CUTE!!!!

    @bluestriped bee: Ack!!! That's wonderful news!!! So VERY happy for you!

  36. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MrsTal: Oh I am SO sorry you have PUPPS. I have heard that's the worst! No wonder you're eager for baby to come. Best of luck on a vaginal delivery.

  37. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @macintosh: @marionberry: @MrsTal: @bhbee: @FliegepilzHut: thank you!

  38. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @macintosh: 27 weeks!! Woohoo!

  39. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @MrsTal: aww, I had to google pupps. I'm so sorry. You are due Saturday?!? Ahhh, so excited to me another IF baby! The pupps should go away after birth?

  40. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @bhbee: you are due in 3 weeks? So many IF babies!!!

    Hope me and @Leialou: will start off an Oct due date spurt! And hopefully others. I think there are some transfers coming up soon!

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