pear / 1750 posts
@FliegepilzHut: thank you! I feel pretty good, just having a little nausea and of course I could sleep all day. how are you?
@FaithFertility, MrsTal: thank you
kiwi / 636 posts
@macintosh: congrats on seeing the heartbeat! I'm hoping to have that excitement next week.
@FaithFertility: thank you for the little words of wisdom. Monday was my first u/s at 6w4d but gestational sac measured 6w1d. I'm considering it a positive that we at least saw the gestational sac & yolk. I'm hoping I'll have more of a gummy bear/blob next Friday!
My co-worker who knows commented that I've been eating like a piggy lately, & it's true! I eat so much throughout the day & then I feel so bloated. I've been wearing dresses with blazers & still wearing some of my suits but definitely with long/flowy shirts on.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@lazypanda: I forgot to say at 6weeks 4days we couldn't see anything other than a yolk sack and possible pole!
nectarine / 2433 posts
Hi ladies, I thought I would join you here, I'm still not ready for the due date threads and I know you all understand I am 9w2d after our IVF cycle in July. I have been really stressed the last couple of days because I don't really have many symptoms and it will be 2 more weeks before I have another ultrasound. I am worried that the lack of symptoms are because something is wrong
kiwi / 636 posts
@FaithFertility: thank you! That makes me feel a little bit better.
@mrswin: I hope you get some great news at your next u/s. Did you already "graduate" from your IF clinic? Is there anyway to be able to ask for continued betas? Or have you been seeing an acupuncturist? Right now, what keeps me sane is that my acupuncturist described what a pregnancy pulse feels like, so every once in a while, if I start thinking something is wrong, I check my pulse for the "slippery, rolling" pregnancy pulse. Also the tidbits of wisdom from the other ladies on this thread!
persimmon / 1085 posts
Just an update that we got sad news yesterday that one of our twins passed since last week's ultrasound. Luckily, our other 'lil one had a strong heartbeat of 150 and is measuring a perfect size. We are so, so happy about that. But at the same time we are sad we lost one baby. It's been rough. Lots of tears and so many mixed emotions.
@lazypanda: I didn't see the heartbeats at 6w4d, but went back two days later at 6w6d and did. Try not to worry!!
@mrswin: Some women don't have many symptoms at all!! My mom had no morning sickness with me and said she didn't feel much different! Can you request another ultrasound earlier for peace of mind?
nectarine / 2192 posts
@Jenn23: Big hugs! That sounds really hard. Sending prayers your way!
pomelo / 5000 posts
@mrswin: I am so, so happy to see you here!!!!!!! (Hope all the exclamation points convey that feeling.) I didn't have too many symptoms in the beginning. A kind of yucky feeling every now and then, never morning sickness......but it's not uncommon for people to feel nothing!
@Jenn23: such a roller coaster of emotions, I'm sure. I'm sorry to hear this update.
pear / 1580 posts
@mrswin: I understand your caution. I'm currently 10w, and I haven't had any nausea or many symptoms at all. My mom was the same way. I had a tiny bout yesterday for the first time, but that was it. Sending superhuman patience and peace your way for these next 2 weeks!
nectarine / 2834 posts
@Jenn23: I'm sorry to see this. I'm sure you're thrilled on one end and devastated on the other. So tough...
persimmon / 1316 posts
@mrswin: Hey, I totally understand your reasons for being nervous. We are the same far along and I have had 2 u/s and another next week and I am STILL so nervous. I agree with the other ladies about seeing if your RE will scan you one more time for peace of mind. My RE said he would always do that if I needed. Also, I am not really having any symptoms either. Maybe occasional nausea if I need to eat but nothing much else.
@Jenn23: I am so sorry to hear this Having gotten the same news this week as well I understand the mixed emotions you are feeling. Every time I start to get happy or think about the one baby inside me it is hard not to think about the one I lost. Mostly, it has just really scared me thinking I may loose baby A also. Even though A has always been measuring great and B was on the small side I can't help but think the same thing could happen to both.. when is your next ultrasound?
@lazypanda: That is so interesting about the slippery rolling pulse!
kiwi / 636 posts
@Jenn23: I'm sorry for the loss. I'm glad that your other little one is doing well though. It sucks how much of a roller coaster we all are on, first having to deal with IF, and then all the unknowns/constant worries with the pregnancy afterwards.
@Mrs.Pinecone316: My acupuncturist checks my pulse and tongue every time I see her. I always ask what my pulse feels like to her, so I would then check my own pulse to figure out what it could mean. I'm sure checking my own pulse wouldn't be the best way to measure, but it does give me some reassurance.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@mrswin: Congratulations!!!!! So happy to see you here!!!!
@Jenn23: I am so sorry, I cant imagine the mixed emotions, praying for you!!!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@lazypanda: I haven't seen my acupuncturist since just after my beta but I could call about a session maybe. I graduated from the RE on 08/25 and won't be seen by the OB until my NT scan on 09/22.
@Jenn23: I'm sorry about your news. I will be sending you good thoughts for your other baby
@Happygal: Thanks for the excitement , I am happy to be here!
@ineebee: @Happygal: It is so reassuring to hear that having few symptoms is not unreasonable. Ever since I got my beta I haven't had much in the way of symptoms so its not a huge change but unsettling none the less
@Mrs.Pinecone316: I think my RE would probably be pretty willing to do another ultrasound if I called and asked. I talked to my SO and I think we are just going to wait. I have a really important industry even next week that I am presenting at so I am just going to focus on that for now. The 22nd isn't that far away.
@FaithFertility: Thanks!
persimmon / 1316 posts
@lazypanda: Yeah my acupuncturist check my pulse, tongue and eyelids too but never really asked about the pulse before. I will have to next time!
@mrswin: Well that will keep you busy at least! You're right the 22nd isn't too far away. Hang in there!
persimmon / 1085 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: Thanks. I know you can relate! I'm feeling much better about it now, but just like you, I'm super scared that the remaining baby won't make it. I just want to fast-forward a month and get out of the 1st trimester!!!!! Hope you are doing ok!!
Thanks for the support, ladies!!!
pomelo / 5000 posts
@mrswin: I downloaded an app that didn't have much more to say than to discuss symptoms in the first trimester. I stopped reading the "day to day" advice part and just read weekly updates b/c I didn't have all those symptoms! Later in the first tri, I got tired at the end of the day. I didn't want to eat as much, but I wasn't repulsed by food. My boobs were sore by 10ish weeks, I think.
pear / 1580 posts
Hello, ladies! I've been following this board, but I think it's time I finally joined!
Currently: 10w6d
EDD: April 8
How did you finally get your BFP? 3 unsuccessful IUIs, a grueling 1.5 year break because of a change in jobs/insurance (ugh!!), then one successful round of IVF!
Any previous children? Nope! My first!
Do you know your baby's gender yet? Finding out later this week thanks to the magical Harmony test that I just learned about!
Are you more excited at this point or still fearful? Definitely 100000% excited!! Sometimes I excite-cry spontaneously. Actually, I think I'm 5% worried but I think that'll be over once we get some of the prenatal tests over with and are into our 2nd tri.
persimmon / 1085 posts
Had a great ultrasound this morning. I'm now 8w4d and baby measured perfect and the HB was 164. We are thrilled!!!!! My RE said I could graduate to the OB, but said to come one more week for another ultrasound, then we'll be done. I'm to schedule an appt. for the OB for two weeks from now. So excited!!!!!
pear / 1580 posts
@Jenn23: That is fabulous news!! So happy for you! I hope you get to do something to celebrate! That is definitely worth celebrating. What a resilient little guy! Or girl!
persimmon / 1085 posts
@ineebee: Welcome!!! So happy for you! The Harmony test has me tempted, but I think we'll wait until the 20 week ultrasound to find out the gender. Who knows if we'll be strong, though, because I will have the blood tests done (I'm 37) and when they ask if we want to know, I may just blurt out yes!!! So excited to see what you are having!!
persimmon / 1316 posts
@ineebee: Welcome! I still have so much to learn about all the testing they offer. Is the harmony test something they offer to everyone or do you have to request it?
@Jenn23: So glad you had a great ultrasound! My first ultrasound with my OB is tomorrow and I am sick to my stomach nervous about it!
Also a question for both of you since you both did IVF. How long are you staying on progesterone for? I am so sick of taking it and really feeling the side effects. My progesterone has always been really high, like 3rd trimester high so I don't understand why I still need to be taking it.
pear / 1580 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: Thanks!! As for the Harmony test, I think my OB's office offers it to everyone; Apparently they have a contract with the Harmony folks, and if insurance doesn't cover it (which mine doesn't), it's totally free. Pretty sweet deal. But from what I gather, it's not offered everywhere. I got a call from my doctor's office this morning and had to let it go to voicemail, but the entire time until I could check it, I was like, "errrmagaaad, are they calling with the Harmony test results???" Of course it wasn't (it's only been 1 business day!).
Regarding your question about progesterone, I don't have low progesterone, but my RE had me on it from the transfer until about 8w. Are you still on it? Oral or vaginal? And at almost 12w now, right? Maybe it's because of the twins? I dunno! Hmm...
clementine / 901 posts
@ineebee: Congratulations! Excited to have you here!
@Jenn23: I was sorry to read your news, but I'm glad the remaining LO is doing great!
Popping in to say hello, had our growth/anatomy scan today and LO looks perfect.Only two bad things are that my placenta is partially covering my cervix but my doctor seems to think that it will move as baby gets bigger and I have been having spots in my vision and the doctor wants to refer me to an opthomologist (sp?) since it doesn't seem related to high BP or anything. We won't know the sex until DH's birthday dinner next Thursday, that anticipation is killing me!!! I want to know sooo bad.
In other news, we put a deposit down on a daycare and DH painted the nursery today while I was at work. We have the vinyl decals at home and I'm excited to start getting the nursery ready. I'm glad we planned and ordered stuff (and registered) before we found out what LO is because I'm sure I would want to make it gender specific if I knew.
persimmon / 1316 posts
@ineebee: Wow so awesome it was free! That never happens with medical care! I am on vaginal suppositories. Mine was never low either, they just had me one 3 x/day after transfer and every progesterone they have drawn on me has been insanely high and they just wean it down and it keeps being high. Maybe because I lost one twin they are expecting it to go down itself? I've had a friend that went to the same clinic who also had high levels like me and they stopped her a long time ago so its hard to understand but the nurse keeps saying its fine. I am 10 weeks tomorrow so I know a lot of people stop between 10-12 weeks but they told me 12. So sick of it though.
@MrsTal: Wow such a big day! SO excited to find out what your having. What a fun birthday surprise:) How did you go about deciding what daycare to use? That is something I will have to start looking into later on.
apricot / 390 posts
Hi all, I just got my BFP tonight...and wasn't really sure where to post it. So I decided this is as good a place as any.
Currently: 3w6d
EDD: May 27
A Laprascopy to remove scar tissue that had my ovaries attached to my pelvic wall, remove some endo and 1 round of Femera.
Any previous children? Nope! My first!
Do you know your baby's gender yet? Haha...nope
Are you more excited at this point or still fearful? Right now I'm excited, but I know that I will definitely be nervous/fearful later. I did go buy a digi which said not pregnant, but I took another First Response and it was definitely positive too!
kiwi / 636 posts
@ineebee: congrats & welcome!
@Jenn23: woohoo for such a positive appt!
@Mrs.Pinecone316: I didn't do IVF but my RE has me on vaginal progesterone suppositories 2x/day up to 12 weeks. He said it's to give our little embryo every extra boost possible. But based on my history of non ovulating, it doesn't hurt to give myself some extra hormones I guess. Oh, & I'm with you about being totally over having to use the suppositories.
@MrsTal: yay for an awesome appt! I'm excited to learn what gender you'll be having! I'm still apprehensive about setting up a nursery. We'd have to clean out our office/storage room so that we can turn that into our guest room as our current guest room will become the nursery.
@owlteach: congrats!!! Such exciting news to read! I do miss the IF check ins but this is a great group as well!
I'm getting excited again & really hoping that we'll see a baby or babies this Friday! I still have a weird feeling about twins despite only seeing one gestational sac with a faint yolk sac last Monday. I also just started experiencing a lot of morning (more like evening) sickness & am still having difficulty hiding my bloated belly. My friend actually commented & rubbed my belly this weekend & was surprised how early I still am. I also got some belly bands from another friend to help with hiding my bloat/bump. I'm hoping they work well with my suits as I'm unsure how much longer I can suck my tummy in!
For those ladies further along, at what point did you feel that your bloat was an actual bump?
persimmon / 1316 posts
@owlteach: Congrats and Welcome!! What does that make your EDD then?
@lazypanda: I am so curious about the bump as well. I am also bloated and when I look at other bump threads there is such a wide range on when people show. I think once I am in 2 tri I will just own the bloat as a bump but for now I still try and hide it too.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: It has been keeping me busy for sure! I know you didn't ask me but I thought I would chime in on the progesterone question. The RE said I could stop cold turkey at 8 weeks 6 days and if I had any left I could drop down and wean myself off. I will run out this Saturday at 10 weeks 4 days. Maybe because it is twins they want to keep you on it longer...
@Happygal: Yep the apps make me crazy because they are all talking about tons of symptoms which I just don't have....
@ineebee: Congrats, I'm due April 14 after my first IVF too!
@Jenn23: Great news!
@MrsTal: Wow, you have a lot going on right now! Are you team green or did you find out what you were having?
@owlteach: Congrats
@lazypanda: Hiding the bloat/bump has been so stressful. I actually went out on the weekend and bough a pair of maternity dress pants because by the end of the day I am so uncomfortable and it is getting harder and harder to disguise it.
persimmon / 1085 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: I think with my son I stopped PIO at 10 or 11 weeks. I'm still on them for a few more weeks. Seems to vary when RE's tell women to stop them, but I'm sure you are fine to stop in the next week. I'm so bloated and wearing maternity jeans already. Do you think the bloating is from progesterone? Or just pregnancy? I feel huge! lol
@owlteach: Congrats!!! So exciting!! Take another digital test in another day or two.
@MrsTal: What is the nursery theme? So much fun to decorate!! That's awesome you are waiting to find out at his birthday dinner. Do you think it is a boy or girl?
@lazypanda: Can't wait to hear how your ultrasound goes!!! So you are in the bloat camp, too! Ugh.
pomelo / 5000 posts
Hi everyone! I didn't respond to the initial questions. Here'e me:
Currently: 21 weeks and 5 days.
EDD: January 23rd/24th
How did you finally get your BFP?: I got pregnant the first medicated cycle after my laparoscopy, but even my RE was hesitant about saying why that cycle was finally "the one."
Any previous children?: No--this is our first!
Do you know your babies gender yet?: Nope!
Are you more excited at this point or still fearful?:
Excited. Sometimes I feel pressure to be doing more with this pregnancy. Taking weekly photos (I have not), reading all the books, telling everyone the news.....I have to take a deep breath and tell myself to just relax.
persimmon / 1316 posts
@Happygal: Are you waiting to find out the gender until you deliver?
@Jenn23: @mrswin: @lazypanda: I should probably just suck it up and do what my doctor recommends with the progesterone. Counting down the days until all I have to worry about it my prenatal!
Well I had my u/s today. I am 10 weeks today and baby is measuring 10 w1d so I am so relieved. This was my first OB appointment, seriously felt SO much different than going to my RE. It actually makes this feel real and exciting now! I get an ultrasound every week until 12 weeks then I will go on a normal schedule. Only downside of not going to the RE is the u/s machine. So much worse quality, my baby is more blobby than last week. was hoping for some good pictures!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@owlteach: Congratulations, many prayers for a happy and healthy pregnancy!!!!!! ♡
@lazypanda: My bloat became a bump...ummmmm maybe 10-12 weeks?!?!
@Happygal: Glad your well!!!!! ♡
@Mrs.Pinecone316: Yay baby!!! I agree RE had amazing machines too!!! I also miss how personalable they were I felt like family. .... but dont get me wrong I am VERY HAPPY to have left
clementine / 901 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: We talked to some friends in our neighborhood and visited the closests daycares to our house. Since I will be doing drop off and DH will be doing pickup we needed to look close to us. Then we toured the places and kind of went with our gut.
@owlteach: Congratulations!
@lazypanda: I was really apprehensive too, but DH encouraged me to start getting stuff ready while it's easier for me to move around lol.
@mrswin: We have the envelope that tells us what we are having but won't know until next Thursday at DH's birthday dinner.
@Jenn23: We are doing a forrest theme! We painted the walls grey and got birch tree decals with birds and deer. And my husband is going to put in a fiberoptic star ceiling, which I'm super excited about. I think that LO is a boy and DH thinks girl, we actually bet on it and loser has to pay for dinner next week, haha. Do you have any feelings yet on what this LO is?
@Happygal: Are you finding out or staying team green?
@Mrs.Pinecone316: Ugh, I hate the OB machines, but yay for graduating to OB!!!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@MrsTal: Awwww sooo much fun stuff! I cant wait to hear your news!
What wall decals do you have? We are looking into a tree, for then pink wall behind her crib!!!
clementine / 901 posts
@FaithFertility: we got these: they came in really fast and look good so far, but we haven't placed them on the wall yet.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@MrsTal: Wow, I can't believe that you are able to wait to find out! That is such a pretty decal
@Mrs.Pinecone316: Yay! Glad your appointment went well today
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