eggplant / 11861 posts
@Happygal: awwww that is sweet about DH
Maybe he has a twin sense
pomelo / 5228 posts
@Happygal: So you should get at least 2 more ultrasounds then NT needs to be between 12-14, and then the anatomy scan at 20w. Unless your doctor doesn't do that one for some reason?
eggplant / 11861 posts
I am dying waiting to see baby again last time was on 5/13
My OB only does first u/s from 8w-10w but since I had 3 w/ RE they didn't do one, and anatomy scan @ 20week.
Thank goodness we can hear the HB at the appointments or else I'd go CRAZY!
We opted out of NT so I have to wait until the anatomy scan, we do go back 7/9 I'll be a little over 17 weeks....... praying, maybe I can convince
kiwi / 742 posts
@faithfertility: I had an elective ultrasound. I could not wait until 20 weeks to see my babe!! It was worth the money, about $80 and I got nice 3d pictures and can go back to find out the sex too.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@TheReelDeal: I am thinking, I mean now it is only 3weeks away, but if they make me wait it will be not until like 7/27 but I want the 4D around 25-28 weeks they say they get amazing pictures!!!!!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@FaithFertility: I know what u mean. With my first pregnancy, I got an us every appt cuz I was considered high risk. But this one, I got maybe 4? And that includes nt and anatomy.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@tequiero21: ughhhh isn't it hard, like HELLO just a quick peek
Mostly because in the books and my app and such baby is no longer a gummy bear and looks like a little person
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Mrs.Someone: yes, I believe that's correct! I was looking into doing an elective 3D/4D one. This might be my only pregnancy, and I'd love to get to see that. It might be tough selling the cost to my husband though!
coffee bean / 46 posts
Hi ladies! I hope you don't mind my joining in on this thread. About a year ago I was posting pretty regularly under a different username, but canceled my membership when our IF struggle was just too overwhelming and I needed a break from everything.
I'm rejoining and jumping back in because today, at 12dp5dt, I learned that our first IVF cycle worked! I'm ridiculously excited but trying my best to remain cautiously optimistic since it's still so early.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@abdubbs: Yay, great news, congrats! We are happy to have you back.
Curious who you "were", but no pressure to share if you don't want to.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@abdubbs: congrats! I haven't been part of this group for too long (9 weeks along), but I hope to see many new faces join. That's really exciting.
coffee bean / 46 posts
@Mrs.Someone: If I end up getting gold again, I'll wall you and let you know! My username then was my 'real' first name, and I'd just rather not have it all out there on the internet for someone to figure out.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@abdubbs: Totally understand, I'd do the same! I have an inkling on who you may have been at least
pomelo / 5000 posts
@abdubbs: oh, now I'm curious, too! But yes, no pressure. I try to keep a low(ish) profile on here, too, although if someone wanted to, they might be able to figure out who I am.
coffee bean / 46 posts
@Happygal: @FaithFertility: @tequiero21: Thanks ladies! It's still very surreal and my 2nd beta won't be until Monday, but I'm feeling a little sicker every day so something is definitely still happening in there, ha!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@FaithFertility: it's 30 weeks for me! Got 2 more months left! Going by so quickly eek! Still feeling nauseous. Ugh.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@tequiero21: ahhhh 30weeks and still nauseaous?I'm sorry
Only 2 more months :)))) soooo exciting!
pomelo / 5000 posts
@FaithFertility: I woke up on Saturday and thought, "I don't feel pregnant." Then I looked at myself and thought, "And I don't look pregnant." So at 10 weeks, just to be sure, I took another pregnancy test. According to that little stick, I'm still pregnant!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@FaithFertility: would appreciate a few prayers for my nt scan on Tuesday ... While I have no reason to think anything is wrong I will be relieved to see a healthy baby. And excited for how much better the images should be at 12 weeks! I just can't help thinking what if something went wrong but my body hasn't figured it out yet.
If things look good this week I think I will do the traditional offering of my unused tests to the if board soon!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@Happygal: Omg, I posted about this on the due date twin board, I too felt that way for the past few days.....I mean I have a belly, but am feeling sooo much better which I should expect at 16weeks and I can't feel baby yet, so I was sooo worried!
So I guess it's not just me
clementine / 901 posts
@bhbee: Prayers to you! I'm sure everything is going to be great.
I feel like crap, but that's a good thing I guess. We were back at the RE office today for another u/s and baby looks good for 8w2d. Measuring right on track and the heartbeat was 180. It was amazing! RE wants me to start seeing an OB but he let me schedule one more u/s. It's so great but scary to be moving to the OB office. My intake appointment is Wednesday with the OB coordinator (never heard of this) and they will schedule my first appointment with the OB at that appointment.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@MrsTal: What a great update
Going to the OB was a BIG change, but it is a good one
I too had an apt like that, it was just blood work, a bunch of paper work and going over our insurance and genetic tests if we wanted them,
Then I was scheduled an apt @12 weeks with OB that was a full physical, exam, pap and FINALLY getting to hear that HB
CAN'T wait to see your updates! , Congrats!
pomelo / 5000 posts
@MrsTal: I was wondering about you! Do you have a picture to share?
@bhbee: I'll be thinking about you on Tuesday. Let us know how it goes!
@FaithFertility: @MrsTal: yes, going to the OB is so different! I'm happy to be there and not at the RE, but I miss a few things. The rooms at the RE were larger and they always had the lights on dim. And I had an ultrasound just about every time I walked through the doors. At my first visit, I was looking around like, "Where's all the equipment?" I want another ultrasound!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@Happygal: RIGHT! I haven't seen my bean which is not a bean anymore for almost 8 weeks
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@FaithFertility: do you have the anatomy scan coming up soon? lots of people start to feel movement 18-22 weeks so you're pretty close
eggplant / 11861 posts
@bhbee: Well we go back next Wednesday the 9th and they never said that was a gender scan and from what I've heard this practice makes you wait until 20weeks soo longest July 27th, but I'm def going to try to get one next week
coffee bean / 46 posts
Finally had my 2nd beta today (a week after our first) and my hcg is over 5,000 now - I was so scared it wouldn't be doubling, so that's a relief! I don't think it will really feel real though until I see it on an ultrasound. Our first scan is scheduled for the 9th - now I just need to find a way to get through the wait with my sanity intact I'm so curious to see if both or just one of our embies is still there!
clementine / 901 posts
@Happygal: I do! Had to wait until I got home to share.
@abdubbs: that's exciting! Can't wait to see if it's twins or a singleton.
@FaithFertility: thanks. That makes sense about the appointment. My RE wanted me seen by the OB within two weeks so I hope this appointment counts.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@abdubbs: Congrats! Can't wait for your update!
@Mrstal: Beautiful baby bean!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@FaithFertility: thank you! we had a good NT scan, baby was right on track and fun to see s/he moving around more and hear the heartbeat. I had thought we might do the Harmony test where you also find out the gender but we chose this instead.
only negative was that right now my placenta is anterior (might delay feeling movement) and I have some placenta previa. should hopefully resolve but until it does I'm on pelvic rest - no sex, no exercise, etc. but I'll take it for a healthy baby.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@bhbee: Good update! I'm unaware of those things, guess I need to do some research...
Sounds like they are not severe!
Yay to a growing baby!
clementine / 901 posts
@FaithFertility: thank you. I can't believe how much it looks like a baby this time.
@bhbee: thank you! Glad your scan went well!
clementine / 901 posts
Ladies, I'm in a bit of a pickle and thought you all might be able to help.
My RE asked me to schedule an appointment with the OB and released me from his care but just in case had me schedule another ultrasound for this Thursday in case I couldn't get in with the OB in the two weeks like he wanted. My OB appointment is on July 15, which isn't long from now. However, DH's family reunion is this weekend and he'd like to go ahead and tell them since we've seen the HB twice and everything has been good, plus I'll be 10 weeks so it is only a bit early. I was on board with this plan until last week at 8w3d my nausea vanished. I have since felt great and only occasionally have felt very minorly sick (usually an empty stomach is to blame and that's easily remedied) but nothing like I had been feeling. I'm a little nervous that something is wrong. So I thought maybe I would go for the u/s with my RE on Thursday and then get another u/s on Tuesday with the OB. Is that crazy? I've read that too many ultrasounds can be dangerous for the baby so I obviously want to avoid that. Thoughts anyone?
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