I always wonder if I'm eating right/normal/etc. So I'm being nosy and seeing what a normal day looks like for others...

I'm 30w3d and today's food is pretty normal unless I have to eat out somewhere for lunch, when I'd order a salad probably with grilled chicken....

Breakfast: Smart Ones/Weight Watchers Turkey sausage/egg/cheese on English muffin (I am addicted to these)....And my Maxim Korean coffee packet in a mug of organic FF milk.

Morning snack: An Orange

Lunch: Lean Cuisine enchilada/rice (I am working from home today instead of having to pick up lunch or go out to eat! yay!)

Snack: Just had some PB&J on a slice of wheat bread, with a small glass of organic FF milk....I need something to "stick" so I can workout in an hour or so and not be miserably starving

Dinner: I'm craving a steak! I'm going to pick up a small Filet from whole foods and probably a sweet potato to go with it. Yum!

Sometimes if I need a snack before bed, I'll eat an orange or an apple. I *try* to make fruit the only snacks I usually eat, especially at night....

What are you grubbing on today?