LO is 6.5 months old and in daycare from about 7:30-4. I started out sending 3 4oz bottles, and the teacher asked if I'd start sending another bottle, so I started sending 4 3.5oz bottles. Yesterday the teacher sent a note home asking me to send more, saying she's crying for more milk! According to the logs, she finishes her bottles by 2:30. Am I crazy to think there's no way she should be going through 14oz in that time? I feed her before we leave the house at 7, so she shouldn't need to eat again until at least 9, probably closer to 10. The teacher also asked about solid foods, but we're doing BLW, so I don't think it's going to be the solution she's hoping for. When I talked to her this morning and told her LO shouldn't be drinking that much, she looked at me like I'm crazy. Am I?