Hellobee Boards


Purchase yourself vs. Registry?

  1. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @anonysquire: Did you get both boy and girl clothes from your initial shower? I guess the boy stuff would come in handy now. Our downstairs neighbors were team green with their son. His clothes seem pretty gender neutral, but I wouldn't be surprised if his wife bought a ton of boy clothes post delivery. Since we're having another boy, we have plenty of clothes for him and almost the same seasons too since LO 1 was an August baby and this one's poised to be a June baby.

  2. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    We bought the bedding. We honestly did not have to buy much--the crib my inlaws bought, my grandma bought the travel system etc. The dresser was hand me down, as were the rocker and highchair, although we did replace those two things. People will go in together to buy things, so it's nice to have all price points. I know my great aunts were mad I didn't register for some big thing they wanted to get.

  3. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @cascademom: yep! I know, I was sorting through the gifts again last week and was excited there were so many little boy things! I think most people just got a gift going with what they thought my baby was going to be haha.

  4. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @anonysquire: That's interesting. Since we knew it was a boy, we got a ton of boy clothes. LO has some hand me downs from my niece which are a bit gender neutral like jeans. His daycare jeans at one point had hearts on the butt.

  5. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @cascademom: I was under the impression that hearts, pink and glitter is gender neutral

  6. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    We're approaching this decision pretty frugally. I'm 26w and so far we've been good about sticking to our rule to not spend a single dime on anything until we know what we're going to be gifted/loaned. The one item we did buy off Craigslist, two weeks later a good friend offered us theirs for free. We're hoping not to repeat that experience, and so far it's working out really well since we have been insanely lucky with people popping up with offers to give/loan us their secondhand stuff. I know there will be some items that people will ignore on the registry (probably the cloth diapers) but I also know I'm going to get some giftcards so we could use those to scoop up remaining items. Anything left after that, we'll either get at Goodwill or decide maybe we don't need it after all!

  7. autumnleaves

    pear / 1622 posts

    We used the Baby Bargains book and a few recommendations from friends and blogs to put together our registry. We went ahead and bought the crib, bedding, car seat, and stroller and registered for the other necessities plus books and a few toys. I waited till after the LO arrived to purchase nursing supplies.

  8. Caly

    nectarine / 2765 posts

    We bought (or made sure we had - ex, we were given cribs by friends and bought mattresses) the necessities by approx 30wks in case the twins came really early & also since we knew we wouldn't have the time or energy to put up a crib, etc as time went by. Luckily we were gifted other necessary items like their car seats early. Otherwise, we waited til after the showers.

  9. Corduroy

    pomelo / 5258 posts

    We registered for everything except furniture. I ended up returning a lot of stuff because I found it cheaper/used.

    I debated putting a pump on my list since I thought it would be weird for my coworkers to see it. I got over that fast when my office got me gift certificate for the amount of the pump and then DH's office gave me the actual pump and supplies.

  10. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @Corduroy: that's actually a really appropriate coworker gift when you think about it, because it's the one thing you actually use AT the office! Haha

  11. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    I purchased all the nursery furniture, a stroller, all my pumping/nursing gear, and a few items that I wanted to splurge on. We threw everything else on the registry and were happily surprised that most people bought off of it.

  12. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    We bought the big stuff: crib, mattress, changing pad, car seat, and strollers. My MIL bought us a Moses basket, and everyone else gifted us a bunch of little things. I wanted to make sure we had the big things we wanted and felt weird putting expensive items on our registry.


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