I'm 36 weeks pregnant with LO2. LO1 is 26 months. I was expecting regression when LO2 arrived but it's hitting us already. I'm worried because we haven't even physically prepped for LO2 yet. There's no nursery or signs of baby around the house yet. I haven't had to limit lifting or snuggling of LO1 yet. LO1 knows baby brother is in my belly and we've read books but if she's reacting this strongly already I'm concerned I'm really in for it when #2 comes.

These are the baby things she's doing:

-Wants to be held/rocked like a baby
-Baby talk (goo goo, ga ga)
-Asking for diapers instead of pull ups/underwear
-Requesting bottle (been on cup since 12 mo)
-Requesting pacifier at bedtime (she never took one)
-Asked for her booster to be converted back to a high chair

She does seem excited about being a big sister. She's sweet to my belly and has freely declared things that are too small/babyish as "for baby brother." DH and I are trying to emphasize things big girls & big sisters can do. I'm not sure what messages she's getting from daycare.

I just started maternity leave and finally plan to start prepping for LO2. What can I expect in the next few weeks?

If your LO started regressing before baby arrived how did things change once baby arrived?