So after all the craziness of this weekend, I got the results from my urine culture and the nurses at both the OBGYN and the hospital had gotten false positives: I don't have blood in my urine, so I don't have a bladder infection. It could still be a kidney stone, but my doctor suspects that it's just round ligament pain as I'm getting bigger (21 weeks) and the nausea/vomiting spell I had on Saturday was a reaction to the antibiotics I was taking.

I remember having round ligament pain with RJ, but I remember that pain to be like knives all the way around the bottom of my belly, like stretching pain. But this time around it's ONLY when either the baby kicks or if I walk for more than a minute or so-- then the pain is very localized in the bottom right hand section of my abdomen. They already ruled out appendicitis since I'm able to eat and I've never had a fever.

Any ideas? Could my round ligament pain just be different this time around? I am carrying a little differently... a little more wider than last time.