If you SAH (and really even if you don't!) is your SO on top of your LO's schedule, like nap times, meal or snack times?

I stay home with C, so obviously I am way more attuned to her schedule, but DH drives me crazy with what he just doesn't think about. Like, his brother wanted to take her on an outing on Sunday. I said we had a bday party in the morning but nothing in the afternoon. Then today he somehow was confused that the party would go until nap time, then she would need a nap, so they couldn't go out until after nap. I am still confused by how this wasn't obvious? I don't expect him to know every detail but she has napped around 1 for months and months?

Just drives me crazy because then t feels like I'm the fun police keeping us from doing things because of silly things like she needs to nap or eat.