Sorry, having a selfish moment. Do you guys think of your friends dealing with infertility?
I know it's probably really hard hearing from a friend that they are still trying to TTC after many months. It might be possible that you feel a little guilty that you are pregnant and they are not. Maybe you don't know what to say without being insensitive to their infertility issues. I don't know, this is all speculations from my point of view.
I know you are busy. If you are pregnant, you have appointments, nursery ideas, 'how to raise your child' discussions and a lot of of other things to deal with. If you are a mother, you have ton of other things like chasing around your LOs and making sure they eat, sleep, poop, etc. Yeah, and that doesn't include other life stuff like work, finances, relationship issues.
Do you think about your infertile friends?
I have my sister who does text me every now and then asking me 'How I'm doing?' I don't give her weekly updates on my cycle but she seems to be aware of where I am cycle wise. She'll ask if I'm taking fertility meds which will tell her if I'm getting ready for an IUI or if I'm in my TWW. I think it's great that she is asking and she doesn't constantly bombard me with question asking if I'm pregnant yet. But she's the only person I hear from.
There are quite a few friends and family who know we've been trying for a long time. But I don't hear from them... like at all. Like I said above, I'm sure they are busy with their kids.
I want to talk about it with friends and family, but I don't want to bring it up all the time. (If I bring it up, it's usually once every 3 months... or if that.) I don't want to be a debbie downer talking about my infertility struggles every time we meet. And I certainly don't want to cause any guilt on them. I don't want them to feel bad. Some of my friends are pregnant, so I do sincerely want to talk about their pregnancy and how they are feeling. So, of course, I don't want to upset a pregnant mother by bringing up my baggage. So then it never gets brought up.
I know it sucks. It's selfish. I want to be acknowledge (just a tiny bit) but yet I don't have the courage to bring it up myself. Maybe they forgot that we are TTC (pregnancy or mommy brain) or maybe they think we are taking a break so they don't ask.
I don't know what I'm trying to say. Just rambling...
Thanks for listening.