My SIL is so, so sweet & generous. She buys LO gifts every single week. She will get outfits, or toys or just bring over a box of wipes! So sweet.

Anyways, she bought us my Bpump for nearly $400 and she bought our $175 swing when I was pregnant.
LO wasn't into the swing and I have noticed many things about it that I don't love.
1- doesn't reline enough for a newborn
2- doesn't go fast enough for an older baby
things I love are
1- how it looks
2- batteries and/or plug=in
3- easy to dismantle and store

So, my question is, should i sell it so we can get the swing we actually want for #2?
Or should I keep it and buy another swing anyways, but keep this one so she doesn't feel bad?
The thing is this: she will see us suing new swing with #2 anyways! Ah...
I don't want her to feel bad.
And for anyone about to suggest communication-don't! She is too sweet and I can't be 100% honest with her. She is really sensitive.

My husband suggested giving the swing to my IL's so baby can use it there and then get my swing for home. Would this seem rude? She is married and will TTC soon enough, so her kids could use it too?